
Kobe (Japan), 30 Jan 2011

We had a demonstration against Meat Production and Consumption in front of a vegetarian restaurant in Kobe, Japan (near Osaka).
It was held by the following groups: Against Meat Japan, Respect All Living Things, and With All Animals.

The activists appealed to people with slogans and held placards which showed the cruelty of slaughterhouses.

(Against Meat Japan first organized a Parade Against Meat in Osaka, Japan in July 2010.)

Photograph: Against Meat Japan and With All Animals
Organizations: Against Meat Japan and With All Animals
Contact: doubutu-no-kaihou(at)hotmail.co.jp

Tokyo (Japan), 30 Jan 2011

Affiche Tokyo

On January, 30th we organized a leafleting event in Tokyo for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat.

A group of individuals ran an awareness action handing out flyers to passers-by. 


It was interesting to see people's reactions; we found out that people still have a difficult time understanding this issue.  


We need to take our time and work step by step.


Photograph: Help Our Beloved Animals
Organization: Help Our Beloved Animals
Contact: HelpOurBelovedAnimals(at)gmail.com