Semaines pour l'abolition de la viande

La semaine mondiale pour l'abolition de la viande (SMAV) a pour but d'introduire dans le débat politique et citoyen la question de l'abolition de la viande. Six millions d'animaux terrestres sont tués dans le monde toute les heures pour être transformés en viande. Le nombre d'animaux marins tués est plus grand encore. La consommation de viande cause plus de souffrances et de morts qu'aucune autre activité humaine alors qu'elle n'est en rien nécessaire.

The World Day for the Abolition of Meat (WDAM) is intended as a means of promoting a political debate around the idea of abolishing the murder of animals for food. Worldwide six million sentient beings are killed for their meat every hour. The number of water animals killed is even greater.  Meat consumption causes more suffering and deaths than any other human activity and is completely unnecessary.

Janvier 2011


La Paz (Bolivia), 24-30 Jan 2011

We held an event in La Paz, Bolivia for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat.
We organized a distribution of Free Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes -- one for each day of the Week.
On Sunday, January 24th we sent out 8 recipes to members of our mailing list and then handed out a different recipe for each day of the week to customers that ate at our vegetarian restaurant.

Everyone was very appreciative and many encouraged us to publish a cookbook which we hope to do by September. 

We are hoping to organize other events for the WWAM in May.

Organization: NamasTe
Contact: Elvia, Amor Por Los Animales Bolivia, aplabolivia(at)


Frankfurt (Deutschland), 29 Jan 2011


The TiRM (, Initiative for Animal Rights of the Rhein Main Region) supports the demand for the abolition of meat and held events during the World Week for the Abolition of Meat in a street in Frankfurt am Main where the main restaurants can be found.

We had an information stall and gave information about the making of animal products and explained that one can live well without consuming any.


Hamburg Altona (Deutschland), 29 Jan 2011


As part of the World Week for the Abolition of Meat, a demonstration was held on Saturday 29th January in Hamburg Altona. It took place in front of Schweinske Restaurant (Ottenser Hauptstr. 1) and Görtz shoe store (Ottenser Hauptstr. 10) .

The action aimed at drawing public attention on the exploitation of animals in today's society and more particularly on the exploitation of animals that are killed and consumed each and every day. Boosted by the current media debates around the problems of meat consumption and animal farming, the activists conveyed the message that "meat" and "leather" are products which always go along with violence: the freedom of animals is systematically robbed, each and every one of them ends up being killed and its body commercialized.

Just like human beings, animals are sensitive beings and individuals; however, they are considered as raw material and as objects. The liberation of animals from societal fetters is the goal of the animal liberation movement.

"With this action we want to protest against the violence systematically inflicted upon animals by the meat industry. We want to give the opportunity to anyone who is interested to receive information about alternatives such as veganism," said Maria Tengel, one of the organizers of the action.

Organised by MIT:

Contact: info(at)


München (Deutschland), 29 Jan 2011


As part of the World Week for the Abolition of Meat, the TiM (Munich Initiative for Animal rights) has once again shown to passers-by the cruel reality of meat consumption.

Activists held pictures of "animals raised for meat", leafleted and informed people about the lethal consequences of meat consumption.

Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten,
because their living conditions and slaughter cause many of them to suffer,
because eating meat isn't necessary, because sentient beings shouldn't be mistreated or killed unnecessarily,

therefore, farming, fishing and hunting animals for their flesh, as well as selling and eating animal flesh, should be abolished.


Photograph: Tierrechtsinitiative München
Organization: Tierrechtsinitiative München
Contact: Tierrechtsinitiative München

Stuttgart (Deutschland), 22 Jan 2011


This event was organized by TiRS (Stuttgart Initiative For Animal Rights).

It took place as part of the world week for the abolition of meat.

In Stuttgart King's street 20 activists of the Stuttgart Initiative for Animal Rights (TiRS) demonstrated with pictures of animals suffering or being killed for the meat industry. Along with these pictures, the slogan "let's abolish meat" appeared in 11 different languages (Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, Turkish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, German and Russian).

Because meat causes suffering that can be avoided, it is not up to each individual to make a decision: it must be abolished.

We want to raise a political debate where the interests of animals (such as not suffering) can find a real consideration.

However, the "production" of meat will always mean that these interests cannot be protected.

For the abolition of meat, TiRS

more information (in German) and pictures at


Stuttgart (Deutschland), 29 Jan 2011


SoFa is a street festival which takes place in Stuttgart every year in January to inform people about fair trade and sustainability.

It was a perfect place for TIRS (Stuttgart Initiative for Animal Rights) to spread the message of the Abolition of Meat. It is indeed unnecessary to eat meat in order to live, and our brilliant recipes proved that plant-based foods may even taste better: the waiting line for "Chile con soja" and Indian dal was long.

People showed tremendous interest for our information stand; we had sound discussions about the issue of the abolition of meat. We had a placard showing that "happy meat" is a myth, and that even organic meat involves great suffering and murder.

In addition to the information stand, 4 activists distributed leaflets to people who were taking part in two large demonstrations held on the same day in Stuttgart; one against the building of a new train station in the city center, and the other one in favor of a free and better education.

There were so many people in the streets, and people showed such interest for meat consumption and animal rights that in 45 minutes we handed out 4 000 flyers against meat consumption and animal exploitation; we broke a record.

Photographs: TiRS
Organization: TiRS
Contact: TiRS


Albi (France), 22 Jan 2011


In Albi we organized an event for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat slightly ahead of time as we joined Animal Amnistie in Toulouse for another action on January, 29th.

Despite poor weather conditions fellow activists from Toulouse joined us for a leafleting and awareness event.

Some livestock producers came to get information while others held conversations that didn't make any sense.

Animal Amnistie

Animal Libre :

Bayonne (France), 29 Jan 2011


A vegan meal was organized by the vegan group of the Basque Country in Bayonne.

25 people shared a vegan lunch in a small and cosy café; which was a pleasant surprise for our very first event.

Some people were interested in the documentation about animal exploitation.

Media coverage

Photograph: Collectif Végétalien Pays Basque
Organization: Collectif Végétalien Pays Basque
Contact: Collectif Végétalien Pays Basque

Bayonne (France), 29 jan 2011


A vegan meal was organized by the group for vegetarianism and veganism of the Basque Country in Bayonne. 

25 people shared a vegan lunch in a small and cosy café; which was a pleasant surprise for our very first event.

Some people were interested in the documentation about animal exploitation.

media coverage

Charleville-Mézières (France), 29 Jan 2011

Action Charleville 29.01.2011a.JPG
The leafleting event in Charleville-Mézières (France) was a success. 
We spoke about animal consciousness and suffering about vegetarianism, health, meat production and its environmental impact. We gave references to current studies to justify the information that we provided.

Two new Belgian activists drove 150 km both ways to come to support us and we plan to organize other events together both in Belgium and in France.

Clermont-Ferrand (France), 29 Jan 2011


We organized two actions on 29 and 30 January for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat.

We held information stalls in order to raise public awareness about animal rights and about the issue of the abolition of meat. On Saturday our event was not very successful as there were very few passers-by around the spot that was granted to us by the city hall.

Photograph: Droits Des Animaux
Organization: Droits Des Animaux
Contact: melvin(at)



Clermont-Ferrand (France), 30 Jan 2011


For the World Week for the Abolition of Meat, we set up another information stall on Sunday, January 30th so as to raise awareness about animal rights and the idea of meat abolition. 

The action was much more successful than the one we put together on the day before as our stand was located on the Salins marketplace, and many people stopped by. We were very pleasantly surprised by the positive and open-minded response we got. We met a number of people who had stopped consuming animal products. We had very interesting and courteous conversations both with people who supported the idea and with people who were totally against it.

Photograph: Droits Des Animaux
Organization: Droits Des Animaux
Contact: melvin(at)



Die (France), Jan 2011


In the morning we handed out about 300 leaflets on the market in Die.
In the afternoon we continued with the leafleting event at the "Ecology on a daily basis" forum.
Over all we got a good reception.


Lyon (France), 29 Jan 2011

Lyon jan 2011.jpg

43 activists gathered on Saturday 29 January on Place des Terreaux in Lyons to observe an hour of silence in homage to all the animals killed for the consumption of their flesh.
We held placards denouncing the horrors of slaughterhouses and displaying the number of animals killed in order to satisfy human beings' appetite in order to raise awareness and promote our will to abolish meat.

About 500 leaflets were handed out.

The local media covered the event.

Photographs: Dignité Animale
Organization: Dignité Animale
Contact: dignite.animale(at)>

Marseille (France), 26 Jan 2010


A leafleting event was held on Wednesday January 26, at around noon, at the local produce market on the Cours Julien in Marseilles.

We distributed "World day for the abolition of meat" pamphlets, and whoever was interested could also receive a copy of the "Abolish Meat" brochure.

We held panels and posters where one could read "My flesh belongs to me" and "What if we abolished the meat?".

The demand for the abolition of meat seemed audible for a lot of the passers-by, even if some of them laughed at the idea and insisted on its utopian aspect.

Positive feedback overall.

Poster: Abolir la Viande
Organization: Collectif Egalité
Contact: Ivora <collectif.egalite(at)>

Metz (France), 29 Jan 2011


On the World Day for the Abolition of Meat, VegLorraine organized an event in Metz.

VegLorraine held a wake for slain animals.  It was accompanied by a leafleting event.

The newspaper Le Républicain Lorrain along with France 3 TV Channel came by.

The public was quite receptive, even though the feedback was not always positive.

There were many passers by; which gave us great visibility. We had some interesting conversations, but theye were fewer than usual.

The action lasted for two hours; we ended it when we ran out of flyers.

Photographs: VegLorraine
Organization: VegLorraine
Contact: veglorraine(at)

Montpellier (France), 3 Feb 2011


20 activists at least were expected for an action in Montpellier (France) for the World Day for the Abolition of Meat on Saturday, January 29th.

Because of rainy weather, we had to reschedule our demonstration to Thursday, February 3rd; still, a dozen of activists showed up for the event.

The artist Lauren made chalk drawings on the ground of the sihouettes of a sow and her piglets sprinkled with drops of blood. In order to symbolize murders and funerals, we surrounded the animals' silhouette drawings with a red rope (as for a crime scene), lit candles and roses.

Activists wearing animal masks held signs indicating the number of animals killed for meat in the world each year (that is, hundreds of billions), the number killed in a month, in a day, etc.

Others held signs on Meat Abolition and panels with photographs showing the horrors of factory farming.

Hundreds of leaflets were distributed, and a journalist came to us to discuss the arrangements for a long article on veganism.

Photographs: CLAM
Organization: CLAM
Contact : joelleverdier(at)

Nancy (France), 29 Jan 2011


On the World Day for the Abolition of Meat, VegLorraine and AVF (Association Végétarienne de France) (France Vegetarian Organization) put together an event in Nancy.

We held a wake for slain animals.

It was accompanied by a leafleting event.

Journalists from L'Est Républicain and La Semaine came to cover the event. Some passers-by were interested by the action while others appeared to be rather indifferent.

The event which lasted for two hours was ended due to cold weather.

Photograph: VegLorraine
Organization: VegLorraine
Contact: veglorraine(at)

Nantes (France), 29 Jan 2011

English version provided by the organizers.
Published as is.

The associations "Droits des Animaux" (Animal Rights) and nea ("Non à l'exploitation Animale"; literally : "No to Animal Exploitation") organized together an information stand and an event on Saturday, 29th January 2011 in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique, West of France) 

Discussions with people in the street were very rich and the members of the two associations were often encouraged and supported by vegetarians - like this vegan family with two children - as well as by people who haven't taken this step yet but who progressively get more aware of this ethical issue.

During the event, a man covered with fake blood was lying in a plastic container, imitating a meat container. Most reactions were encouraging and the mockery of some was challenged by the arguments put forward about the tragic consequences of meat consumption for animals.

That day was a great opportunity to meet "budding" vegetarians who have paid attention to the place of animals that has been recently much debated in the French media. But it was also the opportunity to meet this part-time fisherman who wanted to know our position about fish and who eventually ackowledged that he'd better find a less crual hobby. There was also this man who didn't know what to do with the meat that he had already bought for dinner! More strikingly, we also had the opportunity to talk to a butcher working in a slaughter-house and who remained a long time standing near the container, explaining the slaughter conditions of cattle: "They don't want to die" he said "Once in the corridor, they understand what's going on. I've been a butcher for six years and I do it to give meat to consumers. I kill up to 600 cows and calves a week and yet,I like animal.". He also pointed out that animals arrive at the slaughter-house stressed out whether they come from industrial or organic exploitations. He left with five leaflets about the animal condition and alternatives to animal-based products. "I'll put them up at work on monday. Some will just throw them away but at least, they will be seen!"

A journalist from newspaper Ouest France was also there and a video and article were posted on their website. Two other articles were published in the Sunday and Monday editions.

Photograph: nea
Organizations: nea and Droits Des Animaux
Contacts:  nea and Droits Des Animaux

Paris (France), 29 Jan 2011

paris fontaine innocents.JPG

For the World Week for the Abolition of Meat, L214AVF and CLEDA organized an action in Paris on January 29th between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm.

About one hundred people displayed placards and banners in order to illustrate:

- the suffering and the killing caused by the consumption of animal products
- the alternative offered by the Abolition of Meat summarized by the slogan "La fin de la viande, c'est pas la mort" ("The end of meat does not cause death").

The event was held successively in 4 places in the city (Beaubourg, Châtelet, St Michel and Odéon).

Photographs: L214AVF, CLEDA

Organizations: L214AVF, CLEDA

Contacts: L214AVF, CLEDA


Rennes (France), 22 Jan 2011

English version provided by the organizers
Published as is

In this early stage of World Week for the Abolition of Meat", Nea and Droits des Animaux held an information stand Place de la république in Rennes from 2pm to 7 pm, with a "Meat Tray Action" at 4pm.


There was good attendance with, among other profiles, the “annoyed ” totally rejecting our claims, the sympathisers supporting the abolition of meat, as well as the “I only eat a little meat” tempted to take the plunge and become vegeta*ian, and, for the first-time, onlookers attracted by the recent media attention, timidly picking up a few leaflets.


We set up the Meat Tray at 4pm. The event lasted around 45 minutes, with activists busy handing out leaflets and explaining the Abolition of Meat. Responses ranged from “A cow is brainless”, “it’s obscene”, "there are children here!” to “you are doing a great job”, “people can make the link between meat and the animals.”


A journalist from “20 minutes Rennes” was present and an article will be published in the paper.



Photographs: nea

Organizations: nea and Droits Des Animaux
Contact: nea and Droits Des Animaux


Strasbourg (France), 22 Jan 2011

For the World Week for the Abolition of Meat, Animalsace went to meet passers-by in Strasbourg (France) so as to spread the idea of the demand for the abolition of meat.

We gave out leaflets with a copy of the manifesto for the abolition of meat on one side and a vegan recipe on the other.

Two activists held a large "meat=murder" banner which attracted people's attention.


Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten, 
because their living conditions and slaughter cause many of them to suffer,
because eating meat isn't necessary,
because sentient beings shouldn't be mistreated or killed unnecessarily
therefore, farming, fishing and hunting animals for their flesh, as well as selling and eating animal flesh, should be abolished.


Photographs: Animalsace
Organization: Animalsace
Contact: contact(at)





Strasbourg (France), 29 Jan 2011

We took part in the World Week for the Abolition of Meat by organizing an event on January 29 in Strasbourg (France).

We held an information stand and handed out leaflets with a presentation of the demand for the abolition of meat on the front and a vegan recipe on the back so as to show how to put this beautiful idea into practice.

Organization: Animalsace
Contact: contact(at)

Séné (France), 29 Jan 2011

On Saturday, January 29th Veg 56 held an information stand about vegetarianism and animal rights at the local social forum in Séné.

Organization: Veg 56
Contact: veg56(at)

Toulouse (France), 29 Jan 2011


On January 29th Animal Amnistie and AVF organizations held a joint event for the World Day for the Abolition of Meat.

With Animal Amnistie the public was invited to taste "human meat" which was made of seitan. People could then go to the AVF part of the stand to receive information on vegetarian alternatives.

People were either shocked by or incredulous at the "human meat" display. Either way it caused them to question their habits.  No one was indifferent.

Some vegetarian people said that they give meat to their 6-year old daughter as they are worried about peer pressure at school.

Over all the event was successful.

Contact: Animal Amnistie and AVF


Hyderabad (India), 29 Jan 2011


Awareness Drive for the Abolition of Meat at Nagarjuna High School and Navodaya High School

Jeedimetla, Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh, India

Sahayog Organisation, Karuna International, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
An Awareness programme was organized at Nagarjuna High School and Navodaya High School on January, 29th 2011 for the World Day for the Abolition of Meat.

Nearly 2000 students took part in the programme; more than 100 students promised to give up meat in their diet and assured that they were going to ask their parents to give up meat as well.


Mr. Mahesh Agarwal, Special Police Officer (PCA Act) gave details about the damages caused by the meat industry and talked about the importance of Vegetarianism. 


Lion international President Sri Premchand Munot, Activist of Karuna International Aruna Gupta, Ranga Reddy Convenor Mr. Shravan Kumar, Vinod addressed the gathering. 

On the occasion a student in 7th Class Miss J. Pooja received the "young achiever's award 2011" for giving up non-vegetarianism. Her family also promised to give up non-vegetarianism.


Students were asked questions about vegetarianism and the students who gave correct answers received prizes.


Photographs: Sahayog organisation
Organization: Sahayog organisation
Contact: Sahayog organisation <sahayogorganisation(at)>



Latina (Italia), 30 Jan 2011

Jan 2011 WWAM Latina (Italy)_2.jpg

The group Vegan Città di Latina organized events in Latina (Italy) both on January 29th and on January 30th for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat.

Activists had an information stand along with a photo exhibition on the main square of the city.

We handed out hundreds of leaflets and information material.

We also had a performance in which we wore white masks and held placards with photographs showing the cruelty inflicted to animals for the production of meat.

Photograph: Vegan Città di Latina
Organization: Vegan Città di Latina
Contact: vegancittadilatina(at)


Adria (Italia), 23 Jan 2011


For the World Week for the Abolition of Meat, we set up an information stand in Adria.

We found out that there was enormous ignorance about what happens inside a factory farm, what a slaughter is like and the damages caused to animals by meat production.

That's why we're planning to show slides, pictures or small films in the upcoming actions...

We're not letting ourselves get discouraged too much.

Organization: Venus In Fur
Contact: Simona <venusinfur(at)>

Latina (Italia), 29 Jan 2011

Jan 2011 WWAM Latina (Italy).jpg

For the World Week for the Abolition of Meat, we set up events in Latina (Italy) both on January 29th and on January 30th.

Activists from Vegan Città di Latina held an information stand along with a photo exhibition on the main square of the city.

We distributed hundreds of leaflets and information material.

We also organized a performance: we wore white masks and held placards with photographs showing the cruelty inflicted to animals for the production of meat.

Photograph: Vegan Città di Latina
Organization: Vegan Città di Latina
Contact: vegancittadilatina(at)

Rovigo (Italia), 29 Jan 2011

allevamento intensivo2.jpg

"Factory farm performance" in Rovigo.

We distributed dozens of leaflets, but there were always too few.

Unfortunately we didn't get the response we expected from the public as people were joking and laughing at us.

Ignorance about what happens inside a factory farm and what a slaughter is like was enormous. People were also unaware of the damages caused to animals by the meat production.

That's why we're planning to show slides, pictures or small films in the upcoming actions...

We're not letting ourselves get discouraged too much.

Photograph: Venus In Fur
Organization: Venus In Fur
Contact: Simona <venusinfur(at)>


Tokyo (Japan), 30 Jan 2011


On January, 30th we organized a leafleting event in Tokyo for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat.

A group of individuals ran an awareness action handing out flyers to passers-by.

It was interesting to see people's reactions; we found out that people still have a difficult time understanding this issue. 

We need to take our time and work step by step.

Photograph: Help Our Beloved Animals
Organization: Help Our Beloved Animals
Contact: HelpOurBelovedAnimals(at)



Tirol (Osterreich), 22 Jan 2011

Activists of VGT and MegA support the action day against slaughterhouses and for the abolition of meat in Tirol.

On Saturday, January 22nd the call from the animal rights association RespekTiere ( was followed by animal rights activists from VGT( and megA in Tirol (Austria): the action day targeted slaugtherhouses and butcheries. The activists also explicitely supported the idea of the abolition of meat.

They made 19 (!) stops all along the valley of the Inn river in front of numerous slaugtherhouses and butcher shops and held demonstrations during which they uttered slogans and displayed banners.

Another group demonstrated in the city of Innsbruck.

With slogans like " they have been living, they have been breathing just like us, Meat is a piece of murdered animal", they demanded the abolition of meat.

The last and probably most successful action took place in a mall in which activists shouted slogans against the meat industry.

Further information: and


Genève (Suisse), 29 Jan 2011

GenevAnimaliste held an information stall in Geneva (rue de la Croix d'Or) on Saturday 29 January, from 9 am to 6 pm. This event, which was the first event organized by the recently-created organization, was rather a success. Numerous passers-by stopped by the stall to pick up flyers and enquire about the event, thereby giving GenevAnimaliste's activists the opportunity to explain that meat consumption is not necessary and leads to the suffering and death of billions of sensitive beings each year. 
GenevAnimaliste -

Lausanne (Suisse), 28 Jan 2011


In Lausanne, the collective LausAnimaliste organized a silent demonstration on Friday 28 January in the city-centre.

The silent demonstration was held at night; candles were lit in sign of mourning for the more than 55 billion animals slaughtered for meat each year around the world.

About 15 people were present, holding signs asking for the abolition of meat, while a new documentary, "Behind the Doors", about the real conditions of raising animals in Switzerland, was being shown on a big screen.


Lausanne (Suisse), 29 Jan 2011


LausAnimaliste organized events for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat.

On Saturday 29 January, an information stall was held all day. A lot of people came by as they were attracted by the large "meat abolition " banners and interested in discussing the isue. Most of them were aware of the issue of meat through the release of the translation of Safran Foer's book, which received a lot of coverage in the French-speaking media.

Starting at noon, a "choir for the abolition of meat" went around the city singing a famous song by Boris Vian entitled "Les Joyeux bouchers" ("The Happy Butchers").

Flyers were distributed, and a national radio (Couleur 3) came to record the singing and to ask the activists about the motivations for their action (the interview is to be broadcast soon).

Photograph: LausAnimaliste ATRA
Organization: LausAnimaliste ATRA
Contact: inform(at)

United Kingdom

Glasgow (UK), 2 Feb 2011

NAVA logo.gif

On February, 2nd a leafleting event was held in Glasgow for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat. 400 leaflets were put out.

Organization: NAVA
Contact:  Jim



Louisville, Ky (USA), 26 Jan 2011

"Naked and Wrapped in Cellophane, PETA Members Show Louisville That We're All Made of Flesh"
 "Louisville, Ky -- Lying nearly naked on large trays and covered with clear plastic in front of signs reading, "Meat Is Murder," PETA members mimic typical meat packages on Wednesday in front of the JBS Swift slaughterhouse in Louisville in support of World Week for the Abolition of Meat. Other PETA members distribute leaflets to passersby. The activists aim to demonstrate that all animals—including humans—are made of flesh, blood, and bone; that animals have the same senses and range of emotions as humans do; and that when you eat meat, you are eating a corpse. The packages will feature oversized price stickers that warn, "Billions of Animals Are Abused and Violently Killed Because You Eat Meat." ...

JBS Swift slaughterhouse, 1200 Story Ave., Louisville

"PETA Holds Naked Protest At Slaughterhouse" by Steve Burgin/WLKY


Retours média

Semaine Mondiale pour l'Abolition de la Viande 

mai 2011



Interview, World Weeks for the Abolition of Meat

Vancouver, Canada, Emission de radio "Animal Voices", journaliste : Alison Cole

13 mai 2011

cliquer sur "Download this episode"
(de la minute 16 à la minute 32)



3 juin 2011, Lyon Capitale :
Des morceaux de viande humaine place de la République



25 mai, La Tribune de Genève, (Pascal Frautschi) :
Ils demandent l'abolition de la viande !

à la mémoire des 400 milliards de poissons
et des 56 milliards d’animaux terrestres qui sont tués chaque année

25 mai, La Tribune de Genève,  (Pascal Frautschi) :
Ils réclament en silence l’abolition de la viande

23 mai, Le 24h de Lausanne
Dans le cadre de la semaine mondiale pour l’abolition de la viande...




Semaine Mondiale pour l'Abolition de la Viande

de janvier 2011



Indymedia/Open news against speciesism:
[Stuttgart + Linz] Aktionen zur Abschaffung von Fleischkonsum
Kassel Zeitung:  Internationale Woche zur Abschaffung von Fleisch

Indymedia, Linksunten: Demos und Aktionen gegen Fleischkonsum in Paris und anderen Orten in Frankreich




20 minutes pour Rennes : Un homme en barquette pour dire non à la viande : La fin de la viande, c’est pas la mort !


La Dépêche du Midi : Ils disent non à la viande


L'Express : Une semaine mondiale contre la consommation de viande


Le Monde: Parler d'abolition de la viande reste très difficile

Ouest France: Nantes : un homme mis en barquette pour évoquer les droits des animaux


Le Progrès: Un cercle de silence pour la non-consommation et l’abolition de la viande

La Semaine des Ardennes:  De la viande ? Non merci


Terra Femina: Journée mondiale pour l’abolition de la viande le 29 janvier


VégéMag: Participez à la prochaine semaine d’actions pour l’abolition de la viande du 24 au 30 janvier 2011


Radio Dio : Emission numéro zéro du 3 mars 2011





La Libre BelgiqueBarbecue pour 7.000 Suisses à l'occasion de la Journée mondiale pour l'abolition de viande


Le Temps (29 jan 2011): article non disponible


Chaîne radio suisse : le "Reportage d'Émilie" du 1er février 2011, sur les actions à Lausanne


Emission Radio Romande "Tout le monde il est beau", enregistrée le 29 janvier 2011.



Bellingham Herald (WA):

Michigan Examiner:

Minneapolis Inc:

Minnesota Post:

Montana Observer:

Nebraska Hello:

Nebraska Sun: 

Peta, Louisville, Ky:

Sacramento Bee (CA):

Star Tribune (Minnesota):

World News:








Retours des média

Week-end Mondial pour l'Abolition de la Viande : 17 et 18 avril 2010



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Le Télégramme

Var Matin

Vosges Matin,228/Les-anti-viande-se-mobilisent.html







Le Matin

Le Tempsà_létranger






AP News Stories "PETA was in town getting ready for the World Weekend for the Abolition of Meat, an international campaign to eliminate meat from people's diets."

Fox 28



FRANCE Europe 1 => titles and 6:52

Radio Ici et Maintenant => émission "La revue de presse", vendredi 16.04.2010 -> en fin d'émission.

Radio Sud => 48:40

USA Michigan, Radio WSJM



TV5 Monde newsmlmmd.c6fd5d6de2d71f2192fe6cea93658ff6.301.xml+week-end+abolition+viande+le+monde&cd=25&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=fr&lr=lang_fr|lang_en

World news



Europe 1


RCM laradio



Actu News

afropagesà-l-étranger/ id-menu-300108.html?quot;-se-mobilisent-ce-week-end-en-france-et-à-l%5C%5C%5C'étranger="anti-viande=




Safiweb - Morocco,les-anti-viande-se-mobilisent-ce-week-end-en-france-et-a-letranger,7199.html


Télé 47



Emission "Tout le monde il est beau" 29 jan 2011

Extrait de l'émission "Tout le monde il est beau" sur la Radio Suisse Romande, enregistrée au stand de Lausanne le 29 janvier 2011.