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Dia Mundial pela Abolição da Carne:
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Hyderabad (India), 29 Jan 2011
Awareness Drive for the Abolition of Meat at Nagarjuna High School and Navodaya High School
Jeedimetla, Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy District, Andhra Pradesh, India
Sahayog Organisation, Karuna International, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
An Awareness programme was organized at Nagarjuna High School and Navodaya High School on January, 29th 2011 for the World Day for the Abolition of Meat.
Nearly 2000 students took part in the programme; more than 100 students promised to give up meat in their diet and assured that they were going to ask their parents to give up meat as well.
Mr. Mahesh Agarwal, Special Police Officer (PCA Act) gave details about the damages caused by the meat industry and talked about the importance of Vegetarianism.
Lion international President Sri Premchand Munot, Activist of Karuna International Aruna Gupta, Ranga Reddy Convenor Mr. Shravan Kumar, Vinod addressed the gathering.
On the occasion a student in 7th Class Miss J. Pooja received the "young achiever's award 2011" for giving up non-vegetarianism. Her family also promised to give up non-vegetarianism.
Students were asked questions about vegetarianism and the students who gave correct answers received prizes.
Photographs: Sahayog organisation
Organization: Sahayog organisation
Contact: Sahayog organisation <sahayogorganisation(at)yahoo.com>
Voluntári@s: A demanda pela abolição da carne precisa de você
Camisetas, bolsas, broches, adesivos e panfletos
Porque a produção de carne implica matar os animais que são comidos,
porque os animais sofrem nas condições em que são criados e mortos,
porque o consumo de produtos de origem animal não é necessário,
porque os seres sencientes não devem ser maltratados ou mortos sem necessidade,
por isso a criação de animais, a pesca e a caça, assim como a venda e o consumo de produtos animais, devem ser abolidos.