Alaturati-va activistilor din intreaga lume si participati la actiunile de informare pentru abolirea carnii!
World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
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Charleville-Mézières (France), 29 Jan 2011
The leafleting event in Charleville-Mézières (France) was a success.
We spoke about animal consciousness and suffering about vegetarianism, health, meat production and its environmental impact. We gave references to current studies to justify the information that we provided.
Two new Belgian activists drove 150 km both ways to come to support us and we plan to organize other events together both in Belgium and in France.
Two new Belgian activists drove 150 km both ways to come to support us and we plan to organize other events together both in Belgium and in France.
Deoarece productia de carne implica uciderea animalelor care sunt mancate,
deoarece conditiile lor de viata si sacrificarea le provoaca suferinta,
deoarece consumul de carne nu este necesar,
deoarece fiintele simtitoare nu ar trebui maltratate si ucise inutil
prin urmare, fermele de animale, pescuitul si vanatul de animale pentru carnea lor, precum si vanzarea si consumul de carne, ar trebui sa fie interzise.