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Louisville, Ky (USA), 26 Jan 2011
"Naked and Wrapped in Cellophane, PETA Members Show Louisville That We're All Made of Flesh"
"Louisville, Ky -- Lying nearly naked on large trays and covered with clear plastic in front of signs reading, "Meat Is Murder," PETA members mimic typical meat packages on Wednesday in front of the JBS Swift slaughterhouse in Louisville in support of World Week for the Abolition of Meat. Other PETA members distribute leaflets to passersby. The activists aim to demonstrate that all animals—including humans—are made of flesh, blood, and bone; that animals have the same senses and range of emotions as humans do; and that when you eat meat, you are eating a corpse. The packages will feature oversized price stickers that warn, "Billions of Animals Are Abused and Violently Killed Because You Eat Meat." ...
JBS Swift slaughterhouse, 1200 Story Ave., Louisville
"PETA Holds Naked Protest At Slaughterhouse" by Steve Burgin/WLKY
Protoze produkce masa zahrbuje zabijeni pojidanych zvirat,
protoze jejich zivotni podminky a porazka zpusobuji mnohym z nich utrpeni,
protoze jist maso neni nutne,
protoze vnimajici bytosti by nemely byt zbytecne tyrany nebo zabijeny,
proto, chov, rybolov a honitba zvirat pro jejich maso, stejne jako prodej a
pojidani zvireciho masa by mely byt zakazany.