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La Paz (Bolivia), 24-30 Jan 2011
We held an event in La Paz, Bolivia for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat.
We organized a distribution of Free Vegan and Vegetarian Recipes -- one for each day of the Week.
On Sunday, January 24th we sent out 8 recipes to members of our mailing list and then handed out a different recipe for each day of the week to customers that ate at our vegetarian restaurant.
Everyone was very appreciative and many encouraged us to publish a cookbook which we hope to do by September.
We are hoping to organize other events for the WWAM in May.
Organization: NamasTe
Contact: Elvia, Amor Por Los Animales Bolivia, aplabolivia(at)gmail.com
Protoze produkce masa zahrbuje zabijeni pojidanych zvirat,
protoze jejich zivotni podminky a porazka zpusobuji mnohym z nich utrpeni,
protoze jist maso neni nutne,
protoze vnimajici bytosti by nemely byt zbytecne tyrany nebo zabijeny,
proto, chov, rybolov a honitba zvirat pro jejich maso, stejne jako prodej a
pojidani zvireciho masa by mely byt zakazany.