Join activists throughout the world and hold actions to raise awareness for the abolition of meat!
World Day for the Abolition of Meat: 28/01/2017
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Ancona (Italy), 01-06-2014
Translation pending - Serie di persone che indossano mantelli neri e maschere bianche ed espongono cartelloni con immagini cruente di animali macellati e frasi di denuncia. Persone distese a terra imbrattate di sangue, Banchetto con distribuzione di materiale informativo vegano-animalista e visione video sulla macellazione di animali. Distribuzione di volantini "Abolizione della carne".
Watch the video of the Sept 2012 WWAM event by Animal Rights Cambridge, UK!
Volunteers: The demand for the abolition of meat needs you!
T-shirts, bags, pins, stickers and flyers
Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten,
because their living conditions and slaughter cause them to suffer,
because eating animal products isn't necessary,
because sentient beings must not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily;
therefore, farming, fishing and hunting, as well as selling and eating animal products, have to be abolished.