Join activists throughout the world and hold actions to raise awareness for the abolition of meat!
World Day for the Abolition of Meat: 28/01/2017
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Montreal, Quebec (Canada), 14-06-2014
March for the Closing of all Slaughterhouses.
Meeting Point: 13:00, Carré St-Louis Square.
All Informations on: or on fb page:
The slaughterhouse represents total exploitation on a global scale.
On June 14, join Montreal’s inaugural March for the Closing of all Slaughterhouses! For the defender of justice and compassion, the slaughterhouse is the expression of total exploitation of broken bodies and minds after unimaginable suffering. It is estimated that each year worldwide, and it is 60 billion land animals and over 1000 billion fish are killed unnecessarily, about 160 million land animals and 3 billion fish killed every day.
Raise your voice to break the complicity and the denial. The consumption of animals causes more suffering and death than any other human activity and is completely unnecessary. It is time to face the harsh reality behind the neatly packed and sealed package in the grocery store. The abolition of the madness that is the kill-floor must be brought onto the political agenda. We demand the transformation of our economy to a non-oppressive and plant-based one that promotes health and environmental sustainability. We want jobs that don’t force workers to earn their wages by killing.
Compassionate citizens are mobilizing to engage communities in the abolition of animal exploitation movement. So far, Paris, Toulouse, New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, Berne, London, Cassel, Toronto and Montreal have confirmed their participation. Join this historic and international march! The planning of this peaceful March is in full swing but KARA cannot do this alone. We seek volunteers, collaborators and local groups to join the cause. We invite you to write to us, outlining your interests and the way you would like to contribute.
Watch the video of the Sept 2012 WWAM event by Animal Rights Cambridge, UK!
Volunteers: The demand for the abolition of meat needs you!
T-shirts, bags, pins, stickers and flyers
Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten,
because their living conditions and slaughter cause them to suffer,
because eating animal products isn't necessary,
because sentient beings must not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily;
therefore, farming, fishing and hunting, as well as selling and eating animal products, have to be abolished.