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World Day for the Abolition of Meat: 28/01/2017
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Nantes (France), 18-10-2014
Born in 2005, the Movement for the abolition of meat aims initially to bring to the foreground a public debate on the legitimacy of meat production, which poses for all of us major ethical problems that can no longer be ignored. Within this context the animal rights groups "Collectif nantais pour les animaux" (CNPA) and L214, with the support of "Collectif Rennais Pour les Animaux" and Animal Destiny, are organising a day of action and discussion in Nantes on 18 October 2014, open to all.
10.30: Static demonstration for the closing down of slaughterhouses, Place du commerce (also known as place Sarajevo)
12:30: Vegan picnic, Square Elisa Mercoeur
15:00: Film "Adieu au steak", Maison de quartier Madeleine Champ-de-Mars, 22 rue Émile-Péhant
16:00 : Debate and questions about the film
17:00 : Conference led by Yves Bonnardel with CNPA and L214, Maison de quartier Madeleine Champ-de-Mars
20:00 : Vegan dinner (pay what you want), Maison de quartier Madeleine Champ-de-Mars
Why this Day for the Closing down of Slaughterhouses? The vast majority of people is shocked by the killing of animals. In a slaughterhouse, we witness a sentient being's distress, despair and fear. We know that there is no ethical justification for taking the life of a being that would prefer to live. These animals are conscious, they have desires, knowledge and emotions. Slaughterhouses, and therefore meat consumption, pose a major moral problem for our society. Each year, billions of animals are killed in slaughterhouses and fishing, countless victims of our eating habits and cultures, our nutritional beliefs and the strength of lobbies. Nevertheless it has been proved, in particular by the world's greatest nutritional association, American Dietetic Association (ADA), that humans do not need to consume animal products to be in good health. Certain injustices of the past have been abolished, such as human slavery or the inferior status of women. Injustices towards animals must also bestopped. We must abolish farming, fishing and hunting.
Watch the video of the Sept 2012 WWAM event by Animal Rights Cambridge, UK!
Volunteers: The demand for the abolition of meat needs you!
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Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten,
because their living conditions and slaughter cause them to suffer,
because eating animal products isn't necessary,
because sentient beings must not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily;
therefore, farming, fishing and hunting, as well as selling and eating animal products, have to be abolished.