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Tirol (Osterreich), 22 Jan 2011
Activists of VGT and MegA support the action day against slaughterhouses and for the abolition of meat in Tirol.
On Saturday, January 22nd the call from the animal rights association RespekTiere (www.respektiere.at) was followed by animal rights activists from VGT(www.vgt.at) and megA in Tirol (Austria): the action day targeted slaugtherhouses and butcheries. The activists also explicitely supported the idea of the abolition of meat.
They made 19 (!) stops all along the valley of the Inn river in front of numerous slaugtherhouses and butcher shops and held demonstrations during which they uttered slogans and displayed banners.
Another group demonstrated in the city of Innsbruck.
With slogans like " they have been living, they have been breathing just like us, Meat is a piece of murdered animal", they demanded the abolition of meat.
The last and probably most successful action took place in a mall in which activists shouted slogans against the meat industry.
Further information: www.vgt.at and www.respektiere.at
Magliete, zaini, spille, adesivi e volantini
Poiché la produzione di carne implica l'uccisione degli animali che vengono mangiati,
poiché le condizioni di vita e la macellazione causano loro sofferenza,
poiché il consumo di prodotti animali non è una necessario,
poiché gli esseri senzienti non devono essere maltrattati o uccisi senza necessità,
per questo, l'allevamento, la pesca e la caccia, così come la vendita ed il consumo di prodotti animali, devono essere aboliti.