We are promoting, on a volunteer and independent basis, the demand for the abolition of the production and consumption of animal flesh throughout the world; that is to say, the prohibition of products that come from hunting, fishing and farming because they require the exploitation, suffering and death of sentient beings.
Join activists throughout the world for the January 2012 WWAM and hold actions to raise awareness for the abolition of meat!
World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
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World Weeks for the Abolition of Meat (WWAMs)
The World Weeks for the Abolition of Meat (WWAMs) are intended as a means of promoting a political debate around the idea of abolishing the production and consumption of the flesh of sentient beings. Worldwide, six million terrestrial animals are killed for food every hour. The number of water animals killed is even greater. Meat consumption causes more suffering and deaths than any other human activity although it is completely unnecessary.
Many groups are mobilizing to promote this demand. They are not urging people to change their individual consumption behavior (by advocating vegetarianism and veganism); they are promoting the demand, on ethical grounds, for the legal ban of the production and consumption of animal flesh.
We hope that this initiative will strengthen the animal rights movement over the years. It is important to address people not only as consumers but also as citizens just like the anti-slavery activists who, although they were only a small minority, not only sought a boycott of sugar produced by slaves but also clearly expressed the idea that slavery should be banned.
It is important today to call into question the meat issue so as to open as soon as possible a public debate on its legitimacy.
During the World Weeks for the Abolition of Meat, conferences, street actions, leafleting and information stands are organized in order to spread the idea that the consumption of meat cannot be justified ethically and should therefore be forbidden -- just as human slavery was in its time.
The World Weeks for the Abolition of Meat are organized every year at the end of the months of January, May and September.
The World Day for the Abolition of Meat (WDAM) has been held each year since 2009 and continues to be held on the final Saturday of the month of January.
Below is the video of an original action held by Swiss activists in 2007. You are welcome to use the same format.
Reports of your actions may be published on this website.
Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten,
because their living conditions and slaughter cause them to suffer,
because eating animal products isn't necessary,
because sentient beings must not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily;
therefore, farming, fishing and hunting, as well as selling and eating animal products, have to be abolished.