Alaturati-va activistilor din intreaga lume si participati la actiunile de informare pentru abolirea carnii!
World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
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Canberra, Perth, Sidney, Melbourne, Adelaïde, Hobart, Brisbane (Australia), 11-03-2017
Marches to close all Slaughterhouses in Australia!
In Canberra, Perth, Sidney, Melbourne, Adelaïde, Hobart!
It will be the same day as the World Day for the End of Fishing (more information to come about this WDEF): 11th of March 2017
This march is part of an international action to raise awareness for the billions of food animals whose lives are cut short each year. The event is a chance to educate the public about what really goes on behind the walls of the animal industries, and the possibility of adopting a lifestyle kinder to animals, the environment, and to ourselves.
Animals are amongst the most vulnerable individuals in our society, yet they continue to be killed at ever increasing rates. As a community that values freedom and fairness, we must rise past this and be part of creating a more peaceful world.
Around the world, dozens of cities unite for this march to peacefully speak out against what is hidden behind abattoir walls. In 2016, more than 20 cities participated in this event throughout Australia, North America, Europe and Asia.
In March 2017, Australians across the country will join together for the annual march.
Deoarece productia de carne implica uciderea animalelor care sunt mancate,
deoarece conditiile lor de viata si sacrificarea le provoaca suferinta,
deoarece consumul de carne nu este necesar,
deoarece fiintele simtitoare nu ar trebui maltratate si ucise inutil
prin urmare, fermele de animale, pescuitul si vanatul de animale pentru carnea lor, precum si vanzarea si consumul de carne, ar trebui sa fie interzise.