Alaturati-va activistilor din intreaga lume si participati la actiunile de informare pentru abolirea carnii!
World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
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Toulouse (France), 29 Jan 2011
On January 29th Animal Amnistie and AVF organizations held a joint event for the World Day for the Abolition of Meat.
With Animal Amnistie the public was invited to taste "human meat" which was made of seitan. People could then go to the AVF part of the stand to receive information on vegetarian alternatives.
People were either shocked by or incredulous at the "human meat" display. Either way it caused them to question their habits. No one was indifferent.
Some vegetarian people said that they give meat to their 6-year old daughter as they are worried about peer pressure at school.
Over all the event was successful.
Contact: Animal Amnistie and AVF
Deoarece productia de carne implica uciderea animalelor care sunt mancate,
deoarece conditiile lor de viata si sacrificarea le provoaca suferinta,
deoarece consumul de carne nu este necesar,
deoarece fiintele simtitoare nu ar trebui maltratate si ucise inutil
prin urmare, fermele de animale, pescuitul si vanatul de animale pentru carnea lor, precum si vanzarea si consumul de carne, ar trebui sa fie interzise.