We are promoting, on a volunteer and independent basis, the demand for the abolition of the production and consumption of animal flesh throughout the world; that is to say, the prohibition of products that come from hunting, fishing and farming because they require the exploitation, suffering and death of sentient beings.
Dünya çapından aktivistlere katılın ve ete son vermek için bilinç uyandırmak adına eylemler yapın!
25/01/2016 - 31/01/2016
World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
Orléans (France), 24-09-2011
On the 24th of September, in the centre of Orléans, on the Place du Martroi, information stands were set up for the abolition of meat: - pamphlets were distributed and informative and diverse brochures were made available; there was also a petition to sign and a plate of meat substitutes (in order to prove again, if it was necessary, that another food is possible) and activists held signs and moving posters that brought about reflections …. a much more favourable welcome than was expected from the passers-by and a few informal discussions took place with those resistant to change (one a breeder of pigs from Brittany). A very positive outcome for an action like this held with confidence by a team of six convincing activists.
Another event will take place soon because Orléans still has a number of potential vegans and vegetarians.
Et üretimi, yenen hayvanların öldürülmesi manasına geldiği için,
bu hayvanların yaşam şartları ve kesimleri çoğunun ıstırap çekmesine neden olduğu için,
ete aslında ihtiyaç olmadığı için,
şuurlu varlıkların öldürülmemesi ve onlara kötü davranılmaması gerektiği için ;
yetiştiricilik, balıkçılık ve avcılığa, hayvan etinin satılması ve yenmesine son verilmelidir.