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Světový Den pro Zákaz Masa (SDZM):
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Lausanne (Suisse), 28 Jan 2011
In Lausanne, the collective LausAnimaliste organized a silent demonstration on Friday 28 January in the city-centre.
The silent demonstration was held at night; candles were lit in sign of mourning for the more than 55 billion animals slaughtered for meat each year around the world.
About 15 people were present, holding signs asking for the abolition of meat, while a new documentary, "Behind the Doors", about the real conditions of raising animals in Switzerland, was being shown on a big screen.
Protoze produkce masa zahrbuje zabijeni pojidanych zvirat,
protoze jejich zivotni podminky a porazka zpusobuji mnohym z nich utrpeni,
protoze jist maso neni nutne,
protoze vnimajici bytosti by nemely byt zbytecne tyrany nebo zabijeny,
proto, chov, rybolov a honitba zvirat pro jejich maso, stejne jako prodej a
pojidani zvireciho masa by mely byt zakazany.