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Lausanne (Suisse), 29 Jan 2011
LausAnimaliste organized events for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat.
On Saturday 29 January, an information stall was held all day. A lot of people came by as they were attracted by the large "meat abolition " banners and interested in discussing the isue. Most of them were aware of the issue of meat through the release of the translation of Safran Foer's book, which received a lot of coverage in the French-speaking media.
Starting at noon, a "choir for the abolition of meat" went around the city singing a famous song by Boris Vian entitled "Les Joyeux bouchers" ("The Happy Butchers").
Flyers were distributed, and a national radio (Couleur 3) came to record the singing and to ask the activists about the motivations for their action (the interview is to be broadcast soon).
Photograph: LausAnimaliste ATRA
Organization: LausAnimaliste ATRA
Contact: inform(at)lausanimaliste.org
Protoze produkce masa zahrbuje zabijeni pojidanych zvirat,
protoze jejich zivotni podminky a porazka zpusobuji mnohym z nich utrpeni,
protoze jist maso neni nutne,
protoze vnimajici bytosti by nemely byt zbytecne tyrany nebo zabijeny,
proto, chov, rybolov a honitba zvirat pro jejich maso, stejne jako prodej a
pojidani zvireciho masa by mely byt zakazany.