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Světový Den pro Zákaz Masa (SDZM):
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Čti dál
Antwerpen (Belgium), 25-01-2014
Following an undercover investigation at several pig farms in Flanders and the television broadcasting of the images made during this investigation, we held a second action. This time in the city of Antwerp.
About 60 Bite Back volunteers each held a picture board showing the abuses of the pig industry and stood in total silence for 60 minutes (60 times one minute of silence). We stood in a pyramid formation, and for one hour we thus turned the Groenplaats, a big and well-known square in Antwerp, into a giant memorial site for the victims of the pig industry. It was a very successful action. For the first time people asked for leaflets.
Protoze produkce masa zahrbuje zabijeni pojidanych zvirat,
protoze jejich zivotni podminky a porazka zpusobuji mnohym z nich utrpeni,
protoze jist maso neni nutne,
protoze vnimajici bytosti by nemely byt zbytecne tyrany nebo zabijeny,
proto, chov, rybolov a honitba zvirat pro jejich maso, stejne jako prodej a
pojidani zvireciho masa by mely byt zakazany.