Unisciti a* attivist* di tutto il mondo e organizza mobilitazioni per aumentare la consapevolezza sull'abolizione della carne!
Giornata Mondiale per l'Abolizione della Carne:
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Grosseto (Italia), 26-01-2013
An information stand was set up in a central street in town. We distributed leaflets and booklets on the vegan philosophy and on the Meat Abolition campaign. Video clips on the condition of animals in the farming and meat industry were projected on a 52-inch screen for the whole duration of the initiative (10 am-8 pm ). A photography exhibition on antispeciesism was mounted on panels surrounding our tent. Throughout the day we engaged in public debates and open discussions on the false notion that killing to live is a necessity. Vegan food prepared by activists was served to passers-by. Later in the day, activists wearing white masks or masks of animals held a banner with the statement: "it is possible to live without killing. Go Vegan" and held it in view of the crowded downtown street in turns, for a couple of hours. To complete the event we fund-raised for a local campaign we launched on the same day. The campaign is aimed at covering costs for printing and billposting of large 3m x 6m posters against animal exploitation by the food industry http://associazionedideeonlus.wordpress.com/2013/01/23/raccolta-fondi-pe...
Magliete, zaini, spille, adesivi e volantini
Poiché la produzione di carne implica l'uccisione degli animali che vengono mangiati,
poiché le condizioni di vita e la macellazione causano loro sofferenza,
poiché il consumo di prodotti animali non è una necessario,
poiché gli esseri senzienti non devono essere maltrattati o uccisi senza necessità,
per questo, l'allevamento, la pesca e la caccia, così come la vendita ed il consumo di prodotti animali, devono essere aboliti.