Unisciti a* attivist* di tutto il mondo e organizza mobilitazioni per aumentare la consapevolezza sull'abolizione della carne!
Giornata Mondiale per l'Abolizione della Carne:
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Grosseto (Italy), 26-05-2012
The initiative took place in the main central street of Grosseto where we set up a tent with a large monitor so as to show non-stop (10 am to 10 pm) a selection of clips. Leaflets on the vegan lifestyle were distributed and many occasions to debate on the issue of animal exploitation were created by our activists with
willing passers-by. Alongside us the city council was celebrating the centenary of the local football team, so we took advantage of the situation and expressed our concern about the main sponsor of the football team whose main occupation is sheep farming. We made a large poster with pictures and a text explaining why killing innocent animals cannot be held as a legitimate enterprise and how the city of Grosseto ought to be sorry about the circumstances. This activity did not attract much sympathy with the local football supporters but promoted momentum around our area. We set up a large photographic exhibition to show with graphic details the conditions of animals in slaughterhouses and we raised donations to sustain further actions. More details of our monthly activities can be obtained here: http://associazionedideeonlus.wordpress.com/.
We are on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrossetoONLUS
Magliete, zaini, spille, adesivi e volantini
Poiché la produzione di carne implica l'uccisione degli animali che vengono mangiati,
poiché le condizioni di vita e la macellazione causano loro sofferenza,
poiché il consumo di prodotti animali non è una necessario,
poiché gli esseri senzienti non devono essere maltrattati o uccisi senza necessità,
per questo, l'allevamento, la pesca e la caccia, così come la vendita ed il consumo di prodotti animali, devono essere aboliti.