Unisciti a* attivist* di tutto il mondo e organizza mobilitazioni per aumentare la consapevolezza sull'abolizione della carne!
Giornata Mondiale per l'Abolizione della Carne:
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Lyon (France), 04-06-2011
This past Saturday, June 4th, as part of the World Week for the Abolition of Meat (WWAM), about ten of us militants were gathered for a giant "human" meat tray action at la place de la Republique. The goal of the operation was to create an analogy between the body of a human animal theatrically dead on a tray and the body of a dead animal that one can buy in a tray at the supermarket so as to draw attention to the fact that the buying and consumption of meat should never be considered commonplace. One of our militants was thus sprawled out on a tray; her body was covered in fake blood while other militants held signs or distributed tracts to inform the public as to the goal of our action (around 700 tracts on the abolition of meat were distributed). We had a visit from a journalist from M6 and a photographer from La Depeche who both stayed quite a while so as to gather a sufficient amount of information. Article: http://www.lyoncapitale.fr/lyoncapitale/journal/Autre-contenu/Breves/Des....
Magliete, zaini, spille, adesivi e volantini
Poiché la produzione di carne implica l'uccisione degli animali che vengono mangiati,
poiché le condizioni di vita e la macellazione causano loro sofferenza,
poiché il consumo di prodotti animali non è una necessario,
poiché gli esseri senzienti non devono essere maltrattati o uccisi senza necessità,
per questo, l'allevamento, la pesca e la caccia, così come la vendita ed il consumo di prodotti animali, devono essere aboliti.