Voeg je bij activisten wereldwijd en houd akties om het bewustzijn toe te laten nemen voor de afschaffing van vlees!
World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
Montpellier (France), 3 Feb 2011
20 activists at least were expected for an action in Montpellier (France) for the World Day for the Abolition of Meat on Saturday, January 29th.
Because of rainy weather, we had to reschedule our demonstration to Thursday, February 3rd; still, a dozen of activists showed up for the event.
The artist Lauren made chalk drawings on the ground of the sihouettes of a sow and her piglets sprinkled with drops of blood. In order to symbolize murders and funerals, we surrounded the animals' silhouette drawings with a red rope (as for a crime scene), lit candles and roses.
Activists wearing animal masks held signs indicating the number of animals killed for meat in the world each year (that is, hundreds of billions), the number killed in a month, in a day, etc.
Others held signs on Meat Abolition and panels with photographs showing the horrors of factory farming.
Hundreds of leaflets were distributed, and a journalist came to us to discuss the arrangements for a long article on veganism.
Photographs: CLAM
Organization: CLAM
Contact : joelleverdier(at)yahoo.fr
Omdat vleesproductie inhoud het doden van de dieren die we eten,
omdat hun levensomstandigheden en hun afslachten veroorzaakt veel lijden onder hen,
omdat vlees eten niet noodzakelijk is,
omdat gevoelige wezens niet mogen misbruikt of gedood worden,
Daarom zouden veehouderij, visserij en de jacht op dieren voor hun vlees evenals hun verkoop en het eten ervan zouden moeten afgeschaft worden.