Voeg je bij activisten wereldwijd en houd akties om het bewustzijn toe te laten nemen voor de afschaffing van vlees!
World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
World Campaigns for abolition in 2018
World Campaigns for abolition in 2018
to be advertised widely
toward the Abolition of meat,
the End of fishing,
the Closing of all slaughterhouses,
the End of speciesism...
January, March, June and August 2018
The 9th edition of the World Day for the Abolition of Meat will be held on January 27th. Take part by organizing protest actions! Share your initiatives!
The 7th edition of the March to Close All Slaughterhouses is held in the beginning of June in dozens of cities across five continents, usually on June 9. It will be held from March onward in different countries of the southern hemisphere.
- Let’s also take part in the first World Day for the End of Fishing on March 24th!
Let’s protest fishing and fish farming. Speak out against the exploitation of fishes, cephalopods and crustaceans who account for an overwhelming majority of the animals killed for human consumption. Hundreds of billions of cephalopods, between 1,000 and 3,000 billions of fishes and even more crustaceans are massacred every year.
On August 25th (and the following weeks in September, depending on the country), the World Day for the End of Speciesism will focus on fishing boats and slaughterhouses, fish and land-based farms, demanding their prohibition.
In ever growing numbers, we should oppose publicly and collectively the mass killing of animals in slaughterhouses and fishing boats.
Demand the closing of all slaughterhouses and the abolition of animal exploitation!
Let’s work toward a gentler, just future for animals.
Oproep voor de Januari 2015
Wereld Week voor de Afschaffing
van het Vlees (WWAV):
24/01/2015 - 31/012015
Oproep voor de September 2014
Wereld Week voor de Afschaffing
van het Vlees (WWAV):
20-27 September 2014
Concern for animals is growing in all countries throughout the world.
Yet, never before had so many sentient beings been killed for food.
We are depleting the seas and monopolising most of the land area.
We constantly impose unspeakable suffering on the animals of this planet.
At the same time, an ever growing number of us refuse to collaborate in the gigantic machine of death.
When hundreds of billions of lives are at stake, we must now do more than refuse to collaborate:
we must refuse this constant butchery, we must demand an end to the massacre, we must clamour for abolition!
We demand the abolition of the production and consumption of animal flesh throughout the world !
We demand the prohibition of the products of hunting, fishing and livestock farming, because they involve the exploitation, suffering and death of sentient beings.
Let’s organise actions everywhere,
From 20 to 27 September 2014
For the upcoming World Week for the Abolition of Meat!
We are calling on you to organise and announce here any actions that you consider useful so that we can work together to bring closer the day when no animal will be unnecessarily killed to be used for food.
Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten,
because their living conditions and slaughter cause them to suffer,
because eating animal products isn't necessary,
because sentient beings must not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily;
therefore, farming, fishing and hunting, as well as selling and eating animal products, have to be abolished.
Thanks for the animals,
The team at meat-abolition.org
Make a link to meat-abolition.org on your site
Volunteers: The demand for the abolition of meat needs you
Groups that support the demand
Upcoming WWAMs:
20/09/2014 - 27/09/2014
24/01/2015 - 31/01/2015
23/05/2015 - 30/05/2015
19/09/2015 - 26/09/2015
World Day for the Abolition of Meat: 31/01/2015
Wereld Week voor de Afschaffing
van het Vlees (WWAV):
24/05/2014 - 01/06/2014
We demand the abolition
of the production and consumption of animal flesh
throughout the world!
The Abolition of Meat campaigns go hand in hand with the Go Vegan campaigns.
People who oppose bull-fighting do not only ask individuals to boycott bull-fighting events; they ask for bull-fighting to be banned.
The opponents of foie gras do not only advise people against buying it, they want force feeding to be banned.
Spontaneous changes in consumer behaviour are not sufficient to put an end to the butchery.
We demand the prohibition of products that come from hunting, fishing and farming
because they require the exploitation, suffering and death of sentient beings.
Let's redouble our efforts on
24 May - 1 June 2014
for the
World Week for the Abolition of Meat!
We urge you to organise and announce here all appropriate actions so that we can work together to bring closer the day when no more animals will be killed unnecessarily for food.
Because the production of meat involves killing the animals that are eaten,
because their living conditions and slaughter cause them to suffer,
because eating animal products isn't necessary,
because sentient beings must not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily,
therefore, farming, fishing, and hunting, as well as selling and eating animal products, have to be abolished.
Thanks for the animals,
meat-abolition.org team
Wereld Week voor de Afschaffing
van het Vlees (WWAV):
18/01/2014 - 26/01/2014
18-26 May 2013 :
World Week of actions for the Abolition of Meat
Brought into the world and subsequently brought to death in order to be used for food, unnecessarily...
Billions suffer this fate each year around the world.
They represent 99.99% of exploited animals.
The machines that torture and kill them reside out of sight from our daily lives.
Do we see them when we look at the small pieces on our plates or in shrink-wrapped trays?
Billions of sentient beings are killed and made invisible.
We have the power to make their miserable lives and fate visible.
We have a duty to raise awareness of the ways in which their slaughtering can be stopped.
Just as for eggs and milk, the production and consumption of animal flesh must be abolished.
Abolish the murder of animals for their flesh!
Let's redouble our efforts during the next World Week of actions for the Abolition of Meat (WWAM) from 18 to 26 May 2013!
The demand for the abolition of meat is a political claim: just like activists did for the abolition of slavery, we are addressing this demand to our fellow citizens.
Spontaneous changes in consumer behaviour are not sufficient to put an end to the butchery.
The activities which cause major harms to others do not belong to the liberty of individuals. It is up to society to abolish them by law.
Just like the Veggie Pride in Geneva (18 May 2013) and Marches for the Closing of Slaughterhouses in Paris, Toulouse, Toronto and Istanbul (15 June 2013), let's intensify our actions around the world and give them visibility by posting them here!
We must continue the fight for as long as it takes!
Abolish animal farming, hunting and fishing!
Abolish the murder of animals for their flesh!
Because the production of meat involves killing the animals that we eat,
because they suffer from their living conditions and killing,
because the consumption of animal products is not a necessity,
because sentient beings must not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily,
farming, fishing, and hunting, and the sale and consumption of animal products should be abolished.
Worldwide promotion of the demand for the abolition of the production and consumption of animal flesh;
that is to say, the prohibition of products that come from hunting, fishing and farming
19-27 January 2013 :
World Week of actions for the Abolition of Meat
We'd like to remind you that the next World Week for the Abolition of Meat (WWAM) will take place between January 19 and January 27, 2013.
Many public events will mark the World Day for the Abolition of Meat celebrated on 26 January.
Preparation for this campaign is on its way, and we're hoping that, like previous years, numerous actions will be organised simultaneously throughout the world.
We are working to prepare the population to respond to a moral imperative – a minimum requirement of justice – by abolishing the practices which cause the most suffering and death: the consumption of animal flesh (particularly fish, who make up the majority of these victims).
Therefore, we call on you to participate in this new global campaign of actions!
Post your action announcements here!
Because the production of meat involves killing the animals that we eat,
because they suffer from their living conditions and killing,
because the consumption of animal products is not a necessity,
because sentient beings must not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily,
farming, fishing, and hunting, and the sale and consumption of animal products should be abolished.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Worldwide promotion of the demand for the abolition of the production and consumption of animal flesh;
that is to say, the prohibition of products that come from hunting, fishing and farming
because they require the exploitation, suffering and death of sentient beings.
Announce your actions
Support meat-abolition.org
Make a link to meat-abolition.org on your site
Share resources
WWAMs: What are they?
Frequently Asked Questions
Groups that support the demand
Contact us
Wereld Week voor de Afschaffing van het Vlees (WWAV): 21/05/2012 - 27/05/2012
Oproep voor de September 2011 Wereld Week voor de Afschaffing van het Vlees (WWAV): 23-30 Sept 2011
Zoals U weet waren de afgelopen Wereld Weken voor de Afschaffing van het Vlees wereldwijd een succes.
De volgende WWAM zal tussen 23 September en 30 September 2011 plaatsvinden.
Het doel is om opnieuw en opnieuw het idee aan te moedigen dat de produktie en consumptie van vlees moet worden afgeschaft.
De afschaffing van vlees voorstaan is een logische uitbreiding van het vegetarianisme of veganisme. Mensen die tegen stierengevechten zijn, vragen het publiek niet enkel om publieke stierengevechten in arenas te stoppen, maar om stierengevechten in zijn geheel af te schaffen en verbieden. Te tegenstanders van Foie-gras adviseren mensen niet alleen tegen het kopen van foie-gras, maar ze vragen om het geforceerde voeden van dieren af te schaffen. Waarom zouden de tegenstanders van vlees de enigen moeten zijn die zichzelf beperken tot het geven van individueel advies?
Van het standpunt van de beweging uit gezien, kan de weigering om vlees te eten als een politieke boycot worden gezien, als uitdrukking van de steun voor de afschaf. Aan het einde van de 18de eeuw, gedurende de beweging om de slavernij af te schaffen, hebben 300.000 mensen in Engeland de suikerproduktie van plantages met slaven geboycot.
De beweging voor de afschaffing van vlees kent een politieke benadering. Het doel is om het publiek het idee te laten omarmen dat vlees uitgebannen moet worden. De focus is gericht op het uit laten bannen van de produktie, verkoop en consumptie van vlees, de ene maatschappij na de andere.
Het idée is om luidkeels te verkondigen dat het niet alleen de plicht is van elk individu om de moorddadige exploitatie nodig om dierlijk vlees en “bijproducten” te stoppen, maar dat het daardoor ook de plicht is van gemeenschappen als geheel om zichzelf uit te spreken voor het uitbannen van veeteelt, visserij en jacht.
Dit formulier is voor U beschikbaar. Aankondigingen alstublieft zo snel mogelijk doen. (Zelfs als datums en bijeenkomsten nog niet helemaal vaststaan.)
Oproep voor de September 2011 Wereld Week voor de Afschaffing van het Vlees (WWAV):
23-30 Sept 2011
As you know, the past World Week for the Abolition of Meat was a success throughout the world.
The next WWAM will take place, as planned, between 23 September and 30 September 2011.
The aim is to promote again and again the idea that the production and consumption of animal flesh must be abolished.
Advocating the abolition of meat is the logical extension of vegetarianism or veganism. People who are against bull-fighting do not only ask the public to boycott bull-fighting events, they ask for bull-fighting to be banned. The opponents of foie gras do not only advise people against buying it, they want force feeding to be banned. Why would the opponents of meat be the only ones to restrict themselves to giving individual advice?
The refusal to eat meat can be seen as a political boycott and as the expression of one’s support for the demand for abolition similar to the campaign for the abolition of slavery in Britain at the end the 18th century where 300,000 people boycotted the sugar produced from slave plantations.
The movement for the abolition of meat is a political act: its aim is to get the public to adhere to the idea that meat should be banned. Its objective is that human societies, one after another, decide to ban the production, sale, and consumption of meat.
The idea is to claim loud and clear that it is not only the duty of each individual to stop supporting the murderous exploitation required by the consumption of animal flesh and "by-products", but that it is also, therefore, the duty of societies as a whole to declare themselves
for the banning of farming, fishing and hunting.
photograph : Colin Gildas / SIPA
- post this call, circulate it widely and publish it on the indymedia (please let us know about your publications at contact(at)meat-abolition.org);
- contact the media about the demand for the abolition of meat and about the events that will be organized around it;
- print and distribute leaflets, brochures and/or posters that are available on the "resources" page;
If it is not yet published, please send in your logo (maximum 150 pixels for length and width) so that it can be posted on the "groups" page.
All the best with your events!
Contact: contact(at)meat-abolition.org
Short, introductory texts: For a world-wide movement for the abolition of meat
Frequently asked questions
For in-depth information: "Meat Abolition" brochure
French-language discussion group: http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/abolitiongroup/
To subscribe, send a blank message to: abolitiongroup-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com.
English-language international discussion group list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/meatabolition
To subscribe, send a blank message to: meatabolition-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com.
Call for the May 2011 WWAM: 21 May-28 May 2011
It is a sad assessment that, despite the fact that the animals used for food represent almost all the animals exploited, they are extremely invisibilized. It is up to us, activists, to make their lives and their miserable destiny visible and to present prospects for putting an end to their slaughtering. It is up to us to proclaim that it is morally necessary to abolish the exploitation of animals used for their flesh.
As you know, the World Week for the Abolition of Meat which took place at the end of January which was very successful was organized in both Americas, in Asia and in Europe.
The next WWAM will take place between May 21 and May 28, 2011. The aim is to promote again and again the idea that the production and consumption of animal flesh must be abolished.
We will take action as long as the demand remains necessary.
Our societies have to pronounce on the unjustifiable character of meat consumption from an ethical viewpoint: it involves sacrificing the basic interests of innumerable sentient beings whereas eating meat is unnecessary.
The idea is to claim loud and clear that it is not only the duty of each individual to stop supporting the murderous exploitation required by the consumption of animal flesh and "by-products", but that it is also, therefore, the duty of societies as a whole to declare themselves in favor of the banning of farming, fishing and hunting.
If you're committed to making our shared cause progress, starting today, you may:
1) plan actions for this upcoming WWAM and publish announcements of your actions on this form -- this is essential for promotion! You can find material here.
2) post this call, circulate it widely and publish it on the indymedia in the various towns of your country (please let us know about your publications by sending us an email at contact(at)meat-abolition.org);
3) contact the media about the demand for the abolition of meat and about the events that will be organized around it;
4) print and distribute leaflets and brochures;
5) send in your logo (maximum 150 pixels for length and width) if you have one so that it can be published on the "partakers" page;
6) make contributions on the subject (such as analysis texts, fiction, poetry, drawings, films, performances, banners, etc.) that may get published on the website.
Contact: contact(at)meat-abolition.org
WWAM organization: http://meat-abolition.org (under construction)
Short, introductory texts: For a world-wide movement for the abolition of meat
Frequently asked questions
For in-depth information: "Meat Abolition" brochure
French-language discussion group: http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/abolitiongroup/
To subscribe, send a blank message to: abolitiongroup-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com.
English-language international discussion group list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/meatabolition
To subscribe, send a blank message to: meatabolition-subscribe(at)yahoogroups.com.
Omdat vleesproductie inhoud het doden van de dieren die we eten,
omdat hun levensomstandigheden en hun afslachten veroorzaakt veel lijden onder hen,
omdat vlees eten niet noodzakelijk is,
omdat gevoelige wezens niet mogen misbruikt of gedood worden,
Daarom zouden veehouderij, visserij en de jacht op dieren voor hun vlees evenals hun verkoop en het eten ervan zouden moeten afgeschaft worden.