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Bordeaux (France), 24-01-2015
Giant "Human" meat packageInformation standLeafletingMeatless mealInformation stand.
Event with 6 people wearing animal masks and holding placards.
We may also have a giant "human" meat package. -
Paris (France), 24-01-2015
Information standLeafletingDuring the next world week of meat abolition (24/01/2015 - 31/01/2015), there will be a stand with information about meat abolition (distribution of leaflets ; t-shirts and badges for sale...) with hot drinks and vegan cakes at the next Vegan...
Lausanne (Switzerland), 18-01-2015
DemonstrationThe Swiss association PEA invites you to join the demonstration for the abolition of meat and animal breeding, which will be held at the entrance of the Agricultural Fair Swissexpo. During this fair, cow contests are organized, and a Price is...
Brussels (Belgium), 21-12-2014
Information standLeafletingFor the first time Bite Back will have an infostand in Brussels.
Paris (France), 20-12-2014
Information standSetting up an information stand about meat abolition at the next vegan Christmas place : https://www.facebook....
Paris (France), 22-11-2014
Information standAt the next Vegan Place (village of associations) wich will be held in Paris,
Place Joachim du Bellay, on Saturday 22 november from 11 00 to 18 00, there will be a stand with information about meat abolition (distribution of leaflets; t-... -
Nantes (France), 18-10-2014
DemonstrationInformation standLeafletingPanel discussion / debateBorn in 2005, the Movement for the abolition of meat aims initially to bring to the foreground a public debate on the legitimacy of meat production, which poses for all of us major ethical problems that can no longer be ignored. Within this...
Nantes (France), 18-10-2014
DemonstrationInformation standLeafletingPanel discussion / debateBorn in 2005, the Movement for the abolition of meat aims initially to bring to the foreground a public debate on the legitimacy of meat production, which poses for all of us major ethical problems that can no longer be ignored. Within this...
Paris (France), 27-09-2014
Information standLeafletingFor the September World Week for the Abolition of Meat (WWAM), the village of associations will be held in Paris, Place de la République, on Saturday 27 September from 12:00 to 14:30. There will be a stand with information about meat abolition (...
Paris (France), 27-09-2014
Information standLeafletingFor the September World Week for the Abolition of Meat (WWAM), the village of associations will be held in Paris, Place de la République, on Saturday 27 September from 12:00 to 14:30. There will be a stand with information about meat abolition (...
Norwich (United Kingdom), 22-09-2014
LeafletingLeafleting in the city center.
Mondragone (Italy), 20-09-2014
Information standInformation stand and leafleting in the city centre, Viale Margherita.
Mondragone (Italy), 20-09-2014
Information standInformation stand and leafleting in the city centre, Viale Margherita.
Lausanne (Switzerland), 20-09-2014
Information standLeafletingOn Saturday 20 September 2014 between 9 am and 6 pm PEA - Pour l’Égalité Animale ("For Animal Equality") will be holding an information stand on la Palud square in Lausanne.
Zagreb (Croatia), 20-09-2014
DemonstrationInformation standLeafletingStreet performanceOrganisation Stop Speciesism will have a demonstration/performance to raise awareness about animal exploitation, and we will also hand out leaflets with more information on vegan lifestyle and ways we can help animals. Saturday 20/09/2014 at noon...
Peterborough (United Kingdom), 20-09-2014
LeafletingDistribution of leaflets in the city center.
Toronto (Canada), 20-09-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingOther (description below)On Saturday, September 20, 2014, Toronto will join the World Week for the Abolition of Meat.
We will be making a strong statement as we "Stand Up For Animals" at a location in downtown Toronto. We will stand up with Meat Abolition...
Lausanne (Switzerland), 20-09-2014
Information standLeafletingOn Saturday 20 September 2014 between 9 am and 6 pm PEA - Pour l’Égalité Animale ("For Animal Equality") will be holding an information stand on la Palud square in Lausanne.
Luxembourg (Luxembourg), 11-09-2014
Information standLeafletingPanel discussion / debate3 French activists will be presenting the demand for the abolition of meat as well as the movement which is spreading worldwide.
Website :... -
Luxemburgo (Luxemburgo), 11-09-2014
Information standLeafletingPanel discussion / debateTrês ativistas franceses estarão apresentando a demanda para abolição da carne, assim como o movimento que está se espalhando por todo o mundo.
Website :... -
Bern (Switzerland), 12-07-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingStreet performanceDeparture: Münsterplatz Bern, 14:00.
March for the closing down of all slaughterhouses - The time has come! It's time to claim loud and clear the abolition of slavery of all the animals, the abolition of the practices which cause them the...
Berna (Suíça), 12-07-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingStreet performancePartida: Münsterplatz Bern, 14h.
Marcha para o fechamento de todos os matadouros -
Chegou a hora!
É hora de reivindicar alto e em bom som a abolição da escravidão de todos os animais, a abolição das práticas que lhes causam...
Milano (Italy), 21-06-2014
Other (description below)Milan, Largo Cairoli - 14:00. On Saturday, June 21 a national march will be held in Milan to raise the voice for all fellow animals; especially those convicted in the name of food, clothing, hunting, circuses, zoos, experimentation. We invite...
Montreal, Quebec (Canada ), 14-06-2014
DemonstrationStreet performanceEnglish below:
Le 14 Juin, joignez-vous à nous pour la première Marche pour la Fermeture des Abattoirs à Montréal! (1 pm Carré St. Louis) Pour le défenseur de la justice et de la compassion, l'abattoir est l’expression de l'exploitation...
Istanbul (Turkey), 14-06-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingMarch for the Closing down of all the Slaughtherhouses.
Meeting point: in front of Galatasaray high school at 13:00.
Montreal, Quebec (Canada), 14-06-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingMarch for the Closing of all Slaughterhouses.
Meeting Point: 13:00, Carré St-Louis Square.
All Informations on: https://fermons-les-... -
Montreal, Quebec (Canadá), 14-06-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingMarcha para o fechamento de todos os matadouros.
Ponto de encontro: 13:00, Carré St-Louis Square.
Todas informações em : https://fermons-... -
Istambul (Turquia), 14-06-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingMarcha para o fechamento de todos os matadouros.
Ponto de encontro: em frente ao Colégio Galatasaray às 13h.
Paris (França), 14-06-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingStreet performancePartida: 13h30 da Place de la République (metrô République e Temple).
Das 13h30 às 19h30: Vila Vegana.
Para mais informações, consulte ...
Kassel (Germany), 14-06-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingOther (description below)March for the closing down of all slaughterhouses on June 14th, 2014 in London. For more information, visit https://fermons-les-abattoirs.org/en....
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Voluntári@s: A demanda pela abolição da carne precisa de você
Camisetas, bolsas, broches, adesivos e panfletos
Porque a produção de carne implica matar os animais que são comidos,
porque os animais sofrem nas condições em que são criados e mortos,
porque o consumo de produtos de origem animal não é necessário,
porque os seres sencientes não devem ser maltratados ou mortos sem necessidade,
por isso a criação de animais, a pesca e a caça, assim como a venda e o consumo de produtos animais, devem ser abolidos.