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World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
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Paris (France), 16-02-2018
Demonstration(French below:)
Join us for this 1st demonstration, in front of the headquarters of the Fédération des bouchers et charcutiers de France (Butchers Federaction)!
It is high time that we demonstrated our firm opposition without any... -
Dallas (United States), 27-01-2018
DemonstrationPlease join us on World Day for the Abolition of Meat. We hope to encourage people to adopt a more compassionate lifestyle that does not involve the exploitation and killing of innocent beings. We will have signs and leaflets and chalk but feel...
Montpellier (France), 27-01-2018
LeafletingMeatless mealStreet performanceFor the World Day for the Abolition of Meat Abolition, Droits des Animaux Sud (Animal Rights - South) will be present at Place de la Comédie (between the tourist office and Polygone) to inform on vegetarianism and veganism and show that a world...
Lyon (France), 27-01-2018
DemonstrationStreet performanceOther (description below)French below:
On the occasion of the traditional World Day for the Abolition of Meat, the association 269 Libération Animale organizes its third...
Besançon (France), 27-01-2018
DemonstrationLeafletingStreet performanceFrench below:
On the initiative of the animal rights collective Le CABle, and inspired by a similar action organized in Lyon by the association 269 Life Libération Animale, a meditation march will take place in Besançon on Saturday,...
Milan (Italy), 27-01-2018
Other (description below)Pungents as always we will swarm for the center of Milan armed with megaphones and posters, for a fight without respite, for animal rights and for the request for the abolition of the production and consumption of animal bodies all over the world...
Montréal (Canada), 27-01-2018
DemonstrationMeatless mealAs part of the World Meat Abolition Day, the Collectif Antispeciste pour la Solidarité Animale, KARA KebekAnimalRightsAssociation et Association Terriens invites you to mobilize against speciecism and especially against the exploitation of non-...
Nice (France), 27-01-2018
DemonstrationStreet performanceFrench below:
For the World Week for the Abolition of Meat, our collective ILA organises an event in Nice on Saturday 27 January 2018.
We plan a silent walk and various happenings.
To participate or for any questions do not... -
Toronto (Canada), 10-06-2017
LeafletingStreet performanceThe largest Animal Liberation and Anti-Speciesism event in North America is to take place in Toronto on Saturday, June 10th, 2017!
The city’s streets will be taken over by people like you to publicly demand the end of the violence...
Canberra, Perth, Sidney, Melbourne, Adelaïde, Hobart, Brisbane (Australia), 11-03-2017
DemonstrationMarches to close all Slaughterhouses in Australia!
In Canberra, Perth, Sidney, Melbourne, Adelaïde, Hobart!
It will be the same day as the World Day for the End of Fishing (more information to come about this WDEF): 11th of March...
Montpellier (France), 25-02-2017
Information standLeafletingMeatless mealStreet performanceAction initially scheduled for 28 January, postponed to 25 February.
Hapenning, signs, posters and photos against factory farms and slaughterhouses
website :...
Gießen (Germany), 28-01-2017
Information standOther (description below)Demonstration and Information stand for the worldday for the abolition of meat for veganism and animal rights.
We - the animal rights group Gießen and Ariwa Vogelsberg (Animal Rights Watch Vogelsberg) organise an information stand for the...
Cambridge (United Kingdom), 28-01-2017
LeafletingLeafleting in Cambridge city center.
Lyon (France), 28-01-2017
Other (description below)269Life Libération Animale communiqué: event's announcement "Funeral procession paying tribute to the speciesism's victims"
Next january 28th, a gigantic mise en scène bringing into a long funeral procession will take place in the streets...
Bern (Switzerland), 06-08-2016
DemonstrationLeafleting*** version française en bas ***
Für die Tiere auf die Strasse!
Schlachthäuser gehören zu den brutalsten Orten überhaupt. Allein in der Schweiz werden jede Sekunde zwei Individuen getötet. Die Tiere können sich nicht selbst wehren....
Montreal (Canada - Quebec), 18-06-2016
DemonstrationJoin Montreal’s third March for the Closing of all Slaughterhouses!
For the defender of justice and compassion, the slaughterhouse represents total exploitation of the broken bodies and spirits of unimaginable suffering.
Raise your...
Toulouse (France), 11-06-2016
DemonstrationParce que les abattoirs sont des lieux où l'on tue à la chaîne des innocents pour des d'intérêts personnels égoistes et lucratifs et sous prétexte de tradition,
parce que "la paix n'est pas seulement l'absence de guerre, c'est la présence... -
Paris (France), 04-06-2016
DemonstrationInformation standLeafletingStreet performanceOther (description below)Animal abuse revolts you?
For you animal exploitation should stop?
You want a fairer world for all animals?
So tell it loud and clear at the March for the closing of slaughterhouses!
Come along as many as you can in...
Marseille (France), 27-02-2016
Street performanceA Marseille, le samedi 27 février 2016, l'ALARM organise un happening "COMPTEUR HUMAIN".
6 MILLIONS D’ANIMAUX TERRESTRES SONT TUÉS CHAQUE HEURE dans le monde pour la consommation de leur chair par les humain-e-s, et le nombre d’animaux...
Milan (Italy), 06-02-2016
DemonstrationLeafletingSit in for the abolition of meat: from 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. - piazza cordusio angolo via dante, Milano
Cesena (FC) (Italy), 31-01-2016
Other (description below)DEBORA & SARA
"Between a castagnola and the other ... we do also have a chat"
January 31, 2016
from 18.00 to 21.00
c / o ARCI - via Sorrivoli 24 - Ponte Abbadesse... -
Bordeaux (France), 30-01-2016
Giant "Human" meat packageInformation standLeafletingMeatless mealStreet performancePanels pictures, information about vegetarianism, veganism and the abolition of meat. Video screening and staging. Sweet and sour tasting. Presence of vegan food shop in Bordeaux.
Rome (Italy), 30-01-2016
DemonstrationInformation standLeafletingStreet performanceFaceBook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/209441816056112/
Auckland (New zeland), 30-01-2016
DemonstrationMeatless mealStreet performanceOne happening will be organized. We will share vegan food in Aucland central. We will ask the abolition of meat in a public place for the first time in New Zeland. We will take photos and videos about this event.
Olbia (Italy), 30-01-2016
LeafletingMeatless mealBrunch - Aperivegan 7 p.m. @bar b12 viale Aldo moro Olbia
Distribution of meat abolition material. -
Nantes (France), 30-01-2016
Fake "human" meat (pieces)Information standLeafletingMeatless mealStreet performanceWe'd meet you saturday 30 January, at 2:00pm, at the Place du Commerce, in Nantes.
On the programme :
- Happening,
- Information stand,
- leafletBecause meat production involve killing animals that we eat,
... -
Torino (Italy), 30-01-2016
DemonstrationInformation standLeafletingPoster-stickingFrom January 23 to 31 will host the "World Week for the Abolition of Meat" event with strong ethical grounds to the animal world.
Animals Protection Movement Ethics and environment can not forget how, meat consumption, have devastating... -
Milano (Italy), 30-01-2016
Street performanceThe description of the event is on the our Facebook page
We... -
Lille (France), 30-01-2016
Panel discussion / debateOn the 30th and 31st of January 2016 in the university Lille 3, will be the "Week-end au Campus", two days of workshops and sharing for young activists !
On that occasion, Sentience (an student animalist association) will participate to a...
Montpellier (France), 30-01-2016
Information standLeafletingMeatless mealStreet performanceFor the World Day for the Abolition of Meat, Droits des Animaux Sud, L214 and the Association Végétarienne de France will have a common information stand on Saturday January 30 2016 from 1pm to 6pm in Montpellier.
Banners, documentation on...
Watch the video of the Sept 2012 WWAM event by Animal Rights Cambridge, UK!
Volunteers: The demand for the abolition of meat needs you!
T-shirts, bags, pins, stickers and flyers
Porque la producción de carne implica matar a los animales que comemos,
porque ellos sufren de sus condiciones de vida y de matanza,
porque comer productos de origen animal no es una necesidad,
porque los seres que sienten no deberían ser maltratados o matados sin necesidad;
por lo tanto, la cría, la pesca y la caza, así como la venta y el consumo de
productos de origen animal, deben ser abolidos.