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World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
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Acciones previstas
Paris (France), 18-04-2015
Information standLeafletingWelcome to the next Paris Vegan Place ! On Saturday 18 april from 12:00 to 17:00, we' ll have an information stand about the movement of the abolition of meat and the antispeciesist movement (leaflets; t-shirts and badges for sale).
Paris (France), 21-03-2015
Information standLeafletingOn Saturday, March 21st, we'll celebrate the Meat Out Day on the next Vegan Place in Paris.
There will be a stand of information and tastings about the Movement for the Abolition of the Meat:
Perugia (Italy), 06-03-2015
DemonstrationI will set up an happening on friday the 6th of march 2015. The tackled issue will be the abolition of cattle breeding and meat grocery. The event will take place in Via Madonna del Moro in Umbertide (Pg) in front of the slaughterhouse of Perugia...
Paris (France), 26-02-2015
LeafletingOther (description below)269 Life France et L214 Ethics and Animals are organizing a visual happening and a flyer distribution concerning French agriculture exhibition. [...] Every year, this exhibition promotes french breeding and asserts that animals are respected and...
Paris (France), 14-02-2015
Information standLeafletingMeatless mealWelcome to the next Vegan place about "Love and Veganism"! We will set up an information stand about the mouvement of the abolition of meat :...
Bologna (Italy), 07-02-2015
Other (description below)This week end, we will organize a parade in the city center with placards written 'My food don't scream' and 'stop animal holocaust'. There will be also black placards with number of animal deaths every second, every minute, every hour, every day...
Modena (Italy), 01-02-2015
Information standStreet performanceHappening to wrap up the meat-abolition week.
As a conclusion to the meat-abolition week, we organize a street happening to give people truthful informations. A lot a people don't have any idea about the cruelty and the suffering needed to... -
Turin (Italy), 01-02-2015
DemonstrationStreet performanceThe idea is to constitute the classic chain of figures , black with white ad expressionless masks, representing the animals sent to the slaughterhouse. We will station 15 minutes in some places of the city center like Piazza Castello / via...
Cordenons (PN) (Italy), 01-02-2015
DemonstrationWe will be present for an happening in the slaughterhouse of Cordenons (Pn) to hear witness to the reality of the situation in every slaughterhouses all around the world. Our gathering will be a silent stay in tribute to billions of animals...
Athens (Greece), 31-01-2015
LeafletingStreet performanceOther (description below)Abolish Slavery - Abolish "Meat".
269life Greece will be joining the protestations all over the planet on the world day for the abolition for the abolition of "meat" on Saturday, 31/01, the day dedicated to protestations against the trade...
Montpellier (France), 31-01-2015
Information standMeatless mealOther (description below)31,710 (each second)
1,902,588 (each minute)
1,000 billion (each year)
This is a low estimate of the number of fish killed each second, each minute and each year in the world...
2,029 (each second);
121,766 (...
Vicenza (Italy), 31-01-2015
DemonstrationInformation standPoster-stickingOther (description below)We use to give flyers, to inform public with public adress and to show pictures of slaughterhouses on digital tablets.
Brussels (Belgium), 31-01-2015
Information standLeafletingMeatless mealThis day is the perfect time to learn more about animal rights and the demand for the abolition of meat. There will be free flyers on those topics, books and dvds about animal rights , ethology and nutrition, as well as books with vegan recipes....
Nantes (France), 31-01-2015
Giant "Human" meat packageInformation standLeafletingStreet performancePublic awareness event.
Information stand, giant "human" meat package, leafleting.For the abolition of meat and the closing of slaughterhouses!
Besançon (France), 31-01-2015
Information standLeafletingInformation stand, leafleting, videos, vegan food tasting.
14:00-16:00, place du 8 septembre, Besançon. -
Roma (Italy), 31-01-2015
DemonstrationLeafletingWe are organizing a street performance for the abolition of farming and slaughtering in front of the slaughterhouse in Rome (Via Palmiro Togliatti), from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. We are demonstrating every month in front of the slaughterhouse. We will...
Milano (Italy), 31-01-2015
LeafletingStreet performanceWe are organizing a street performance for the abolition of farming and slaughtering. We will have a street performance to raise public awareness of the massacre held daily in farms and slaughterhouses so as to provide food for human beings....
Colmar (France), 31-01-2015
LeafletingPlace de la Sinn (devant Monoprix) à 14:30 - 17:30.
Distribution de tracts, information et sensibilisation du public sur la nécessité de la fermeture des abattoirs.
Cette journée a lieu dans le cadre de la Semaine Mondiale d'...
Lugano (Switzerland), 31-01-2015
Information standStreet performanceTo celebrate the meat-abolition day, we decide to organize an silent happening. We chose silence because that's how animals die every day. Silently. Too much people are indifferent. Animals have no way to express themselves.
We will walk... -
Montpellier (France), 31-01-2015
Information standLeafletingMeatless mealFor the meat-abolition day : Droits des Animaux Sud, FUDA, L214 and the french vegetarian association (Association Végétarienne de France) will organize all together a stall. It will take place in Montpellier, Place de la Comédie from 1 pm to 5....
Morlaix (France), 31-01-2015
Information standFor the meat-abolition day, on the 31st on January 2015, I will represent the french vegetarian association in Morlaix (Finistère). I will have a table with flyers and informations. It will take place in Morlaix, on market day, just in front of...
Modena (Italy), 31-01-2015
DemonstrationInformation about the meeting for the meat-abolition day on the 31 st January 2015 in Modena.
For the meat abolition day, we will make an happening at 47 via Mazzacavallo in Formigine (MO). It will take place from 10 am to 2 pm.
... -
Heidelberg (Germany), 30-01-2015
Information standLeafletingOther (description below)We will display a video of animals getting slaughtered in the streets.
Bologna (Italy), 30-01-2015
DemonstrationInformation standPanel discussion / debatePoster-stickingStreet performanceOther (description below)To see photos of what we will do, as 'Coordinamento LAM - Lega Anti Macellazioni -, for the week of action for the abolition of meat:
... -
Roma (italy), 27-01-2015
Information standgazebo with informative press conference in Piazza del Popolo in Rome from 10.00 to 18.00 on Tuesday January 27, 2105 to disseminate the ethics and the vegan diet and engage citizens through the distribution of leaflets and collecting signatures...
Toronto (Canada), 24-01-2015
DemonstrationStreet performanceOther (description below)Animal exploitation is unjustified and therefore should be abolished. Join us in denouncing this injustice as we "Stand Up For Animals" for a second time during the World Weeks for the Abolition of Meat (at a midtown Toronto location to be...
Aix-en-Provence (France), 24-01-2015
Information standLeafletingMeatless mealFrom 14:00 to 17:00, square Colonel Matteï. For the abolition of meat and the closing down of all slaughterhouses!
Peterborough (United Kingdom), 24-01-2015
LeafletingLeafleting to the general public on the subject of meat abolition.
Norwich (United Kingdom), 24-01-2015
LeafletingLeafleting on meat abolition to the general public.
Nice (France), 24-01-2015
Information standLeafletingAwareness event organized by L214, AVF 06 and "Collectif Animalier du 06".
10:00-12:00, place Massena.
Watch the video of the Sept 2012 WWAM event by Animal Rights Cambridge, UK!
Volunteers: The demand for the abolition of meat needs you!
T-shirts, bags, pins, stickers and flyers
Porque la producción de carne implica matar a los animales que comemos,
porque ellos sufren de sus condiciones de vida y de matanza,
porque comer productos de origen animal no es una necesidad,
porque los seres que sienten no deberían ser maltratados o matados sin necesidad;
por lo tanto, la cría, la pesca y la caza, así como la venta y el consumo de
productos de origen animal, deben ser abolidos.