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World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
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Lyon (France), 30-05-2014
Giant "Human" meat packageLeafletingComplete translation pending.
"Human" meat package and leafleting in Lyon
Rue de la République
69002 Lyon 2e Rhône-AlpesDans le cadre de la Semaine Mondiale d'actions pour l'Abolition de la Viande (24 mai au 1er juin...
Paris (France), 30-05-2014
DemonstrationInformation standLeafletingStreet performanceTranslation pending - Les militants de L214 descendent dans la rue pour dire ce que l'on cache et pour donner à voir aux passants ce qu'on ne leur montre généralement pas : les conditions de vie, d’élevage, de transport et d'abattage des animaux...
Cremona (Italy), 24-05-2014
Information standLeafletingInformation stand of LEAL (Lega Antivivisezionista) in C.so Campi, Cremona in the afternoon.
Grossetto (Italy), 24-05-2014
Information standLeafletingOther (description below)This action will consist in a picture exhibition complete with video projections on the misery of life in breeding farms and in the abattoirs.
Non stop commentary shall be transmitted through a sound system on our motives to demand the... -
Paris (France), 10-05-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingPanel discussion / debateStreet performanceOther (description below)Paris, May 10th, Veggie Pride : the demonstration of the people who refuse to eat animals and show their solidarity with the victims of animal exploitation, slaughter and fishing. The vegetarian pride means the pride not to participate in the...
Milan (Italy), 22-02-2014
LeafletingStreet performanceWe are organizing a street performance for the abolition of farming and slaughtering.
We will have a street performance to raise public awareness of the daily massacre held daily in farms and slaughterhouses so as to provide food for human...
Trento (Italy), 08-02-2014
Information standLeafletingInformation stand in Trento, Piazza Pasi, from 10.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Pordenone (Italy), 02-02-2014
LeafletingStreet performanceA street performance for the abolition of farming and slaughtering. We will be in the centre of Pordenone to aware public opinion about pain and sufferance of billion of animals who are daily killed for human food.
Nantes (France), 01-02-2014
Information standLeafletingStreet performancePlace du Commerce (Nantes); 2:30pm
Street performance; information stand and leafleting
Toulouse (France), 29-01-2014
Information standMeatless mealInformation stand, banners for the closing down of all slaughterhouses and animal cruelty-free food.
2:00-5:00pm, rue Alsace-Lorraine by Capitole underground station. -
Rome (Italy), 26-01-2014
LeafletingStreet performanceExhibition of panels with images and distribution of information material in a well-known, historic square in Rome.
Kidderminster (England), 25-01-2014
Information standWyre Forest Vegans and Veggies will be holding an info stall outside Kidderminster Town Hall this coming Saturday, to educate the public about ending, or at least reducing, their consumption of animal products, with leaflets and free recipe...
Alessandria (Italy), 25-01-2014
Information standThe Group EticoEtica will hold an information stand
in Alexandria (Italy) on Saturday, January 25, 2014
from 15.00 to 20.00. -
Palermo (2) (Italy), 25-01-2014
Information standMeatless mealPanel discussion / debateTranslation pending - Il G.A.V., Gruppo d'Acquisto Vegan, in occasione del sesto anno d'attività del progetto e di felice collaborazione con l'azienda, vi invita a partecipare all'evento di degustazione dei prodotti Muscolo di Grano.
Il 25...
Antwerpen (Belgium), 25-01-2014
Information standLeafletingStreet performanceOther (description below)We will stand in a triangle formation, holding placards with some pictures of the pigs from the undercover investigation of 9 pig farms in Flanders. The action will be similar to the one we did in Ghent where we stood for one hour in silence:...
Montpellier (France), 25-01-2014
Information standLeafletingMeatless mealStreet performanceOther (description below)Droits des Animaux Sud and the French Vegetarian Association will keep a common stand from 14pm to 17pm, Place de la Comédie.
Poster, documentation about vegetarism, veganism and meat abolition.
Video screening and happening....
London (United Kingdom), 25-01-2014
Information standLeafletingStreet performanceOther (description below)Simulation of a crime scene. See: https://www.facebook.com/events/1449805191907209/...
Bordeaux (France), 25-01-2014
Information standLeafletingStreet performanceInformation stand on ethical issues about and environmental impact of meat production and consumption.
Palermo (1) (Italy), 25-01-2014
Information standMeatless mealTranslation pending - Anche quest'anno, come ormai dal 2009, l'Associazione Laboratorio Antispecista programma il periodico censimento degli animali di Villa Niscemi a cui provvede con il suo progetto.
Quest'anno la giornata dedicata a...
Toulouse (France), 24-01-2014
Street performanceWe'll be holding with large pictures of animals in farms and slaughterhouses (and possibly some audio-visual material) outside "L'Entrecôte" restaurant which is a symbol of ostentatious zoophagy. Start time: 7:30 pm.
Lyon (France), 24-01-2014
Street performanceTranslation pending - A l'occasion de la SMAV, L214 et Dignité Animale organisent un rassemblement vendredi 24 janvier 2014, Place de République (à l'angle de la rue de la République et de la rue Childebert), de 16h30 à 17h30.
Les militants... -
Rennes (France), 22-01-2014
LeafletingLeafleting between 3:00pm and 4:00pm. Villejean station.
Rennes (France), 20-01-2014
LeafletingLeafleting, 6:00-7:00 pm, République station.
Toronto (Canada), 19-01-2014
DemonstrationWe will be holding a vigil on Jan 19th between 11 am and 1 pm.
Placards, and brochures will be used during our demo.
We are spreading the vegan message that animals are not to be used for meat or other uses. We are spreading the love... -
Grosseto (Italy), 18-01-2014
DemonstrationLeafletingOther (description below)Small groups of activists will stand outside various meat products outlets and supermarkets in town holding sandwich-like posters with photographs of slaughtered animals and descriptions of the reasons for holding the actions while others will...
Gent (Belgium), 14-12-2013
DemonstrationInformation standLeafletingStreet performanceWe will gather around 60 persons and make a silent protest.
The organisation Bite Back published undercover images filmed in 9 pig farm in Flanders in Belgium showing severe mistreatments of pigs.
We will also ask the closing of the 9... -
Bergamo (Italy), 27-10-2013
Information standInformation stand in Bergamo - Via XX Settembre from 2pm to 7pm.
Bergamo (Italy), 26-10-2013
Information standInformation stand in Bergamo, Via XX Settembre.
Saint-Imier (Switzerland), 04-10-2013
Information standLeafletingMeatless mealPanel discussion / debateOther (description below)The self-managed co-operative “Espace Noir” ("Black Space") in Saint-Imier (Switzerland) is organising a vegan weekend. There will be films, conferences, debates, vegan food and concerts.
In particular two conferences and debates on the... -
Marseille (France), 03-10-2013
Fake "human" meat (pieces)Giant "Human" meat packageInformation standLeafletingStreet performanceFOR MEAT ABOLITION : HUMAN MEAT PACKAGE OPERATION IN MARSEILLE! On Thursday 3 October 2013 in Marseille ALARM is organising a new shock performance for the World Week for the Abolition of Meat (WWAM). See the event on Facebook:...
Watch the video of the Sept 2012 WWAM event by Animal Rights Cambridge, UK!
Volunteers: The demand for the abolition of meat needs you!
T-shirts, bags, pins, stickers and flyers
Porque la producción de carne implica matar a los animales que comemos,
porque ellos sufren de sus condiciones de vida y de matanza,
porque comer productos de origen animal no es una necesidad,
porque los seres que sienten no deberían ser maltratados o matados sin necesidad;
por lo tanto, la cría, la pesca y la caza, así como la venta y el consumo de
productos de origen animal, deben ser abolidos.