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World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
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Eourres (France), 13-10-2011
Each evening for two days, we held a meal in the village communal room, preceded by a presentation about "the animal question" and its politicization, speciesism, veggie-phobia, and the demand for the abolition of meat. In total, over fifteen people attended, and were quite interested. The majority of attendees were either vegetarian or people who only rarely eat meat, apart from one or two people who were defending the consumption of meat. The village livestock farmers did not come. The discussion took place during the meal and continued until late.
Watch the video of the Sept 2012 WWAM event by Animal Rights Cambridge, UK!
Volunteers: The demand for the abolition of meat needs you!
T-shirts, bags, pins, stickers and flyers
Porque la producción de carne implica matar a los animales que comemos,
porque ellos sufren de sus condiciones de vida y de matanza,
porque comer productos de origen animal no es una necesidad,
porque los seres que sienten no deberían ser maltratados o matados sin necesidad;
por lo tanto, la cría, la pesca y la caza, así como la venta y el consumo de
productos de origen animal, deben ser abolidos.