Voeg je bij activisten wereldwijd en houd akties om het bewustzijn toe te laten nemen voor de afschaffing van vlees!
World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
Press communiqué for the May 2011 WWAM
For the second time this year, a Worldwide Week for the Abolition of Meat (WWAM) is organized throughout the world from May 21st to May 28th.
Once again it is a time when organizations, action groups and individuals throughout the world will protest against the consumption of the flesh of animals. Breeding, fishing and hunting cause enormous and constant harm to countless sentient beings: they suffer and are killed so as to provide meat!
This Week of actions is a time for us to claim publicly, clearly and firmly what we believe:
We have no right to eat meat.
Nobody has the right to eat meat.
The moral maxim, according to which animals should not be made to suffer nor be killed without necessity, is admitted by people all over the world: it condemns the consumption of meat. Indeed, eating the flesh of animals is not necessary at all. It is the whim of dominant individuals who have absolute power over weaker individuals and are determined to make their most superficial interests triumph over the fundamental interests of their victims.
The production and consumption of meat must be banned. They are practices that must be abolished just as human slavery was abolished for similar reasons.
The January 2011 WWAM was organized in many countries on three continents. The demand for the abolition of meat is gaining ground. People understand how necessary this demand is and are becoming more and more receptive to it.
We bet that the 21st century will see the advent of the abolition of meat.
We are doing everything possible so that the day comes when the most massive source of suffering ever has become a thing of the past.
Additional information:
http://meat-abolition.org/ (website under construction)
http://abolir-la-viande.org/ (in French)
Omdat vleesproductie inhoud het doden van de dieren die we eten,
omdat hun levensomstandigheden en hun afslachten veroorzaakt veel lijden onder hen,
omdat vlees eten niet noodzakelijk is,
omdat gevoelige wezens niet mogen misbruikt of gedood worden,
Daarom zouden veehouderij, visserij en de jacht op dieren voor hun vlees evenals hun verkoop en het eten ervan zouden moeten afgeschaft worden.