Voeg je bij activisten wereldwijd en houd akties om het bewustzijn toe te laten nemen voor de afschaffing van vlees!
World Day for the Abolition of Meat:
Rennes (France), 30-09-2011
On Friday September the 30th, as part of the World Week for the Abolition of Meat, Droit des Animaux (Animal Rights) and nea had information booths and organised a human meat package demonstration on the Place de la République in Rennes. At 1:30pm we put in place our classic human meat package demonstration. The exchanges were diverse and varied: “And what about the children? Have you thought of the impact that is going to be provoked by a sight such as this production?” (Translation: “Well, they are going to become vegan or vegetarian!”). “Who do you think you are asking for the abolition of meat? Animals are here to be eaten, period. And as Freud said, they don't have reflective thought. We are so superior and so much more intelligent!” We will spare you the remarks shouted but said from a distance praising the tastes of steak. But there were also positive and constructive exchanges. Several people who were intrigued by the human meat package afterwards stopped at the information booths where the activists responded to their questions.
Omdat vleesproductie inhoud het doden van de dieren die we eten,
omdat hun levensomstandigheden en hun afslachten veroorzaakt veel lijden onder hen,
omdat vlees eten niet noodzakelijk is,
omdat gevoelige wezens niet mogen misbruikt of gedood worden,
Daarom zouden veehouderij, visserij en de jacht op dieren voor hun vlees evenals hun verkoop en het eten ervan zouden moeten afgeschaft worden.