Schließe dich weltweit AktivistInnen an und führt Aktionen für das Bewusstsein zur Abschaffung von Fleisch durch!
WTAF: 28/01/2017
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Stuttgart (Deutschland), 29 Jan 2011
SoFa is a street festival which takes place in Stuttgart every year in January to inform people about fair trade and sustainability. It was a perfect place for TIRS (Stuttgart Initiative for Animal Rights) to spread the message of the Abolition of Meat.
It is indeed unnecessary to eat meat in order to live, and our brilliant recipes proved that plant-based foods may even taste better: the waiting line for "Chile con soja" and Indian dal was long.
People showed tremendous interest for our information stand; we had sound discussions about the issue of the abolition of meat. We had a placard showing that "happy meat" is a myth, and that even organic meat involves great suffering and murder.
In addition to the information stand, 4 activists distributed leaflets to people who were taking part in two large demonstrations held on the same day in Stuttgart; one against the building of a new train station in the city center, and the other one in favor of a free and better education.
There were so many people in the streets, and people showed such interest for meat consumption and animal rights that in 45 minutes we handed out 4 000 flyers against meat consumption and animal exploitation; we broke a record.
Weil Fleischproduktion bedeutet, dass Tiere für unser Essen getötet werden,
weil die Lebensbedingungen dieser Tiere und ihre Schlachtung oft mit großem Leiden verbunden sind,
weil es nicht notwendig ist, Fleisch und andere Tierprodukte zu essen, und
weil empfindungsfähige Wesen nicht ohne Grund gequält oder getötet werden dürfen,
deshalb gehören die Aufzucht von Schlachttieren, die Jagd und Fischerei sowie der Handel und Verzehr von Fleisch abgeschafft.