Schließe dich weltweit AktivistInnen an und führt Aktionen für das Bewusstsein zur Abschaffung von Fleisch durch!
WTAF: 28/01/2017
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Veröffentlicht Eure Berichte!
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Rennes (Frankreich), 21-05-2011
On Saturday May 21st, on the "Place de la Republique" in Rennes, France, Nea
organised an information stand and a "human meat tray" action as
part of the World Week for the Abolition of Meat.
On our stand we saw:
- Meat eating passers-by, who wondered about the actual meaning of our demand
for the abolition of meat
- People who were seeking our help in order to stop feeling guilty: "the
animals that I eat were brought up in good conditions."
- A woman who lost her senses when she saw the tray of human meat with all
the blood: "What are the police up to ?!"
- An animal breeder who confirmed for us that dairy cows are killed once they
reach the age of 5 because they produce less milk after that point,
being at their limit, exhausted, and broken.
And there were many discussions to do with the abolition of meat, the legitimacy
of eating meat and the reasons why it is not any better to consume free range
animals. And of course we got the same old question from
those who are reluctant to question their own meat eating habits, "But
what would
we do with all these animals if we stopped eating them ?"
The claim for the abolition of meat is a good way to get people to question
their daily eating habits. It brings about some surprise, misunderstanding
and irritation in some people, but also in others, some understanding
and support.
(The petition was signed!).
Weil Fleischproduktion bedeutet, dass Tiere für unser Essen getötet werden,
weil die Lebensbedingungen dieser Tiere und ihre Schlachtung oft mit großem Leiden verbunden sind,
weil es nicht notwendig ist, Fleisch und andere Tierprodukte zu essen, und
weil empfindungsfähige Wesen nicht ohne Grund gequält oder getötet werden dürfen,
deshalb gehören die Aufzucht von Schlachttieren, die Jagd und Fischerei sowie der Handel und Verzehr von Fleisch abgeschafft.