Schließe dich weltweit AktivistInnen an und führt Aktionen für das Bewusstsein zur Abschaffung von Fleisch durch!
WTAF: 28/01/2017
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Veröffentlicht Eure Berichte!
Lest die Berichte!
Poitiers (Frankreich), 24-09-2011
For our action for the abolition of meat, we chose Poitiers because the weather was
not good in Limoges. We held our action in a busy pedestrian street in the town
centre and it only lasted one and a half hours. Although there were just two of us,
we did not go unnoticed, thanks to the placards on display. I had just started to
hold up the placard in 3 parts when I was insulted by a passer-by who felt I was
being aggressive. We had some other insulting reactions like three young women
pretending to cry! But after all we surprised many people; some stopped to read and
some appreciated our courage (that's the word they used) and approved of our action. We met
vegetarians and a vet, who shared with us that he was disturbed by his colleagues
who did not like animals and ill-treat them. The police stopped to ask some
questions about the meat abolition movement. I also discussed the milk issue with them, but I
don't think I convinced them to stop eating meat or drinking milk. Two youths told
me that we were going too far in claiming the abolition of meat. I asked them why
and they talked to me about traditional livestock rearing where the animal is
treated with respect. I replied that on principle all livestock rearing is unethical
since the animals are reduced to slavery; they are not left the choice to live out
their lives and they are killed when they are still young in order to satisfy a taste
preference which is unnecessary and selfish. Nath and Dom for the Poitou-Charentes
Antispeciesist Network "their lives do not belong to us" (Réseau Antispéciste Poitou-Charentes "leur vie ne nous
appartient pas").
Weil Fleischproduktion bedeutet, dass Tiere für unser Essen getötet werden,
weil die Lebensbedingungen dieser Tiere und ihre Schlachtung oft mit großem Leiden verbunden sind,
weil es nicht notwendig ist, Fleisch und andere Tierprodukte zu essen, und
weil empfindungsfähige Wesen nicht ohne Grund gequält oder getötet werden dürfen,
deshalb gehören die Aufzucht von Schlachttieren, die Jagd und Fischerei sowie der Handel und Verzehr von Fleisch abgeschafft.